Chapter 7:

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Kai's Room: 

"No one leaves this room until we figure out who's passing information to Chen," Lloyd instructed. 

We had all gathered with the other competitors in Kai's room.
Neither of us dared to speak a word about what had happened. 

"Anyone who works for Chen has the Anacondrai symbol tattooed on their back." Garmadon explained. 

So, here we were, lining up to show our backs to everyone. 

This is ridiculous, I thought. I looked to Lar, who stood behind me. 

"I have to talk to you, when we get outta here," he whispered, "Something important." 

"I do, too." 

"Your turn." Kai said, a smirk on his face.

"Har-har, you're funny." 

"Just shut up and show me your back." 

I rolled my eyes, turning, and undoing the sleeve of my suit.

"Alright." said Kai. 

"Thank you, Father." 

"Laugh it up; right now's the only time you have." 

I fake laughed just to irritate him as he checked Water Boy. Walking by Jay, I watched Lar approached.

"Whatcha need?" 

"Wanted to pay you back for selling you out like that." 

"What do you mean?" 

"With the tournament." 


I then felt a squeeze.
My eyes widened as I looked at him.

"Did you just--?" 

"Sorry," he laughed out, "It's's really tight."

He was really lucky that Jay didn't see, because he would have murdered Lar.

* * * 

It was Skylor's turn, and she couldn't have chosen a worse moment to be stubborn. 

"How could you not trust me?" she asked, "I came to you with the fortune cookie--" 

"--I know," Kai cut off, "but we all have to know." 

Skylor turned to show her back to Kai but unfortunately, before I could figure out whether or not I had dirt on her, we were interrupted by Lloyd.

"Wait!" he piped up, "Where'd Shadow go?" 

"He disappeared through his own shadow!" Jay exclaimed. Griffin had been sitting beside some kind of lava thing, I guess to decorate Kai's room and Shadow appeared in the corner.

"There he is! Get him!" Griffin informed. Turning to face the corner, Shadow snapped at us. 

"I ain't your spy, and I ain't your friend, either!" he scolded, "That staff will be mine!" 

Lloyd tried to hit him with his powers but unfortunately, he was able to get away and Lloyd ended up knocking a picture down, which took Jay with it, breaking his leg. 

Helping him up, I watched Lar run off after Shadow and the other elemental masters. Helping him sit, I looked to Kai, who had been watching Skylor. 

"If you still think that I'm the spy, watch me walk out that door!" she snapped. Walking through the doorframe, she undid her sleeve, showing her back.

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