Chapter 3

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My Room

The Kabuki led me down a large hallway decorated in red, then stopped me abruptly in front of a large red double-door, like the one downstairs.
Resting in the center of the door was a frame of my Elemental symbol. 

Something pre-meditated; it didn't ease my conscience about what was going on. 

"Your room, Master Breanna." the Kabuki spoke before leaving. I entered in, looking around. The walls of the room were a light maroon color just as my suit had been, and a black bed sat against the back wall by a glass sliding door.

I saw the glass sliding door with its red doorframe and approached it. When I opened the door, there was a red balcony; the outside wall of the building was orange with a red rooftop. It looked like there was a balcony for every room. 

A sudden voice startled me.

"Looks like we're neighbors!" someone called. 

I turned my head to my left to see Kai calling to the girl with the red hair, standing on the balcony to his left. 

Quick as the feeling in my stomach had left, it had returned; something happened between Kai and this girl, and it was quickly becoming a nuisance. 

She did something to him and it began with whatever that hand incident on the ferry was. 

A voice from my right took me once more away from my thought process.


I turned my head to see a boy with blond, wavy hair giving me a smile. Unlike Lloyd, his eyes were an icy blue. 
Unlike Kai, he had his head on straight.

"Lar, Master of Water." 

I smiled back.

"Bree, Master of Plasma." 

"Were you sent the message the same way I was?"

"My friend ate his cookie without reading the fortune," I said, "Hope it was a good one." 

Lar chuckled.

"You're cute. I like that." 

Aaaaand there it was. 

I would have called him out, but the speakers came on in that moment.

"As you can see," Chen began, "I've hidden Jade Blades all around my island; return one to me, and you move on. There's enough for everyone...except one person. Good luck! The Tournament begins...NOW!"


Lar and I looked above simultaneously to find a Blade stuck just beneath the roof of the building. I jumped, grabbing the bars of someone else's balcony railing and reaching for it; Lar grabbed my leg, pulling me down.
I hung above the ground by about fifty feet. 

A punch in the gut was all it took before he let go. I grabbed his railing abruptly, pulled myself up, and someone grabbed my arm. I gasped, whipping my head up.

It wasn't Lar.

"I've gotcha."

I smiled as Jay helped me onto his railing. I leaned over it by a foot with my brother holding me steady, and grabbed the blade.
Someone splashed me with water and it slipped out of my hand. I fell on the ginger, and he himself toppled like a domino.

"Sorry!" Lar called out, "I've gotta move on!"

And thus, the water master was gone.

"Come on," I encouraged. 

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