Chapter 5

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The Throne Room

In the cafeteria, Jay kept going on about how he was "becoming like the island" while I sat in silence, wondering how much trouble I'd be in for leaving the city when I got home. 

If I got home, that was.

I put my head down on the rail guarding the seats; I wasn't in the mood for fighting, for my brother's rambling, for the drama. 

I guessed Skylor was, because it was her turn. 

Every master sat in one whole row together. Skylor fought against the master of sound, Jacob. He had a large, black afro that looked like it could nest a baby vulture. He was blind, but wore blue and orange sunglasses with white stars on each lens.

Six, large, blue vases sat around the walls of the room: three on our side, and three on the opposite wall. 

Inside one of them was a Blade.

Skylor made fun of Jacob during this time by cartwheeling against an empty wall as Jacob shot blow-darts at her; she hid behind one of the vases and touched his shoulder lightly. When he turned around, she hid behind another vase. He broke it, but she was gone.

It was almost as if she teleported.
We found her against the opposite wall.

During this time, Kai had been squeezing through, stepping on other people's feet and sitting by Garmadon.

"Did I miss anything?" 

Jay snorted.

"By the looks of it, you didn't miss much." said the ginger, pointing at the other competitors, who were holding their feet and glaring at Kai. 

"We really shouldn't be sitting together," Jay continued, "The more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves."

"Don't say that," Lloyd scolded, "We are a team; sure, we've lost Cole and still can't find Zane, but we're a team, just smaller."

"While it is very important to stick together, it is extremely important not to make enemies," Sensei informed, "Beware of how you treat those around you, for they will treat you the same." 

Kai cut everyone off, jumping up as Skylor found the missing Blade and raised it up so Chen, whose throne chair was now sitting against the right wall where the empty seats were, could see.

"Yes! Go, Skylor!" Kai cheered.

"What's gotten him so excited?" Garmadon queried.

"Kai had a crush on Skylor, until he found out they might be related." Jay explained.

"Her power isn't fire," Garm pointed out, "She's the master of amber, power of absorption."

Kai liked the sound of that.

"Are you telling me we're not related?" 

"Winner!" cried Chen. His voice made me want to take one of the Blades and impale myself with it. 

He pushed another button on the chair and a trap door opened underneath Jacob, causing him to fall through.
That was the last we ever heard of him.

"Can I please have your attention?" Chen asked loudly. The room was quiet.

"As you all know or not, the many of you have made it to the next round," he explained, "As a gift, I wanted to give you fancy jewels and untold shiny things!" 

Everyone cheered, but his face became stern within seconds.

"But then, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight, and that made me very upset; for their insubordination, I've decided to take away all of your fancy quarters, and you will all be sleeping tonight in the chow house!" 

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