crazy Pt 1

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Jasmine pov

I woke up the next morning thinking about what happened last night. Honestly I thought he was something that he wasn't and he definitely showed his true colors. After he acts crazy he wants me to come back then act crazy again and really think im going to give u an another chance nahh fam.

August Pov

Ughh I want her back badly. I can't believe I didn't control myself last night. I wish I did because I know she's not going to want to get back with me and I love her....

Jasmine pov

I was sitting on the couch drinking wine till my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it said unknown. I knew it had to be August.
"LOOK YOU ASSHOLE-" I was cut off by Lucas voice. "Look jas its me Lucas I was wondering if u wanted to go to dinner in an hour with me I miss you". I was silent for a minute while as I was thinking. "Oh ok" I said before hanging up. I went and took a shower. When I got out I put on some slacks,a button up shirt,my heels on. I put a lil bit of make-up on and curled my hair. When I was heading down the hall I heard the bell ring. I opened the door there stood lucas looking sexy as ever like damn. He grabbed my hand we walked to the car and he opened the door for me. "Wow jas you look so beautiful, I missed you", "well thanks you dont look bad yourself I said smiling". We finally arrived at the restaurant. We were sitting looking at the menu when I looked up I saw August at the bar starting at me smirking. My body tensed up Lucas asked me what was wrong. "Well uh you know I was talking to an guy named August come to find out hes crazy". Next thing you know Lucas got up and walked up to August, oh no this can't go good. I watched them I didn't know what they were talking about then all I seen was Lucas grab augusts throat. A couple minutes later Lucas came back smiling and sat down. "I told him to leave u alone" he said as he smirked at me. "Ok good" I said uneasy I looked up and saw August storm out of the restaurant.

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