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I sighed as we pulled up to DAA, Diverse Arts Academy. The college-like high school I would be attending all year.

I didn't want to come here, especially in my senior year. But when my parents heard me singing in my room one day, they wouldn't take no for an answer, especially since my mom went here.

"I'm scared, Mama," I admitted, "What if they think I suck?" They laughed at me, "Braelynn, they won't think you suck. You know you don't suck. And you had to audition, didn't you?" My dad asked me, handing me my suitcases out the trunk. "Let's walk you to your dorm and then we'll get your schedule, kay?" My mom asked, rubbing my back. I nodded and began to walk with them, passing all the kids mingling with their friends. It looked like I was the only new one, but I knew that wasn't true.

With a campus this big, there had to be atleast 100 new kids in all grades.

We continued walking along the beautiful and huge campus until we finally made it to my dorm. I slowly walked in when I realized the door was open. "Hello?"

"Oh my God! Harley, our new roommate is here!" A white girl with black hair that went to her shoulders said excitedly. Her make up was so nice and she had beautiful lips. The other roommate, Harley, I'm assuming, took her head out the closet and walked over to me, shaking my hand. "Hi, I'm Harley. You're so pretty," she complimented. I blushed, "Braelynn, and thank you."

"I'm Camari," the other girl said. I went in for a hand shake, but she hugged me. "Uhn, uhn. All hugs over here girl," she said as she patted my back. I smiled and pulled back. "Well, Brae," my mom said,"If you're ready, we'll go pick up your schedule and head over to orientation."

"If you want, we'll take her? We were gonna go in a few minutes, after we got settled," Camari suggested with a smile,"We wouldn't mind taking her with us." My dad grinned,"That'd perfect. We should be hitting the road anyway." I excused myself and then walked my parents out to the hall.

"I'm gonna miss y'all," I said, getting teary eyed. My mom wiped my tears, "We'll miss you too, B. But trust me, you'll love it here. And your roommates are already so welcoming." I grinned, "I know." I hugged my mom and gave her a kiss. "I love you, Mama." She kissed me too,"I love you too, don't be afraid to call, okay?" I nodded and she walked out the way so my dad could approach me. We smiled at one another and leaned in for our hug. He squeezed my body, making me gasp for air. "I love you, Braelynn. Prove to them that a little black girl from New York can do anything these West Coasters can," he smirked and nudged me.

I giggled and gave him a goofy salute,"Yes sir." We hugged once again and said our goodbyes before they disappeared down the hall. I sighed and walked back into the dorm.

"I'm guessing you and your parent's are close, huh?" Camari asked. I nodded, "Yeah. Very. Which one is my bed?"

"Um, I already called the top bunk," Harley said, "But you can have it if you want?" I shook my head  politely. I didn't want to come into their room and steal her bed. "You can pick between the single bed and the bottom bunk."

"I'll take the bottom bunk." The single bed was all the way at the other side of the room, and I was scared of the dark a little.

Sue me.

"Okay." I sat my bag on the bed and stood up. "Let's go get your schedule and then head to orientation real fast," Harley smiled and slid on some Nike sandals. I nodded in response and we made our way out the dorm.

"So, how long have y'all been going here?"

"I've been here since freshman year," Camari answered,"But Harley came in uh... junior year, I think?" Harley nodded, "Yep. This school is dope, I'm pretty sad to leave in a couple months."

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