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"Where were you?" India asked once I met her in the lounge. I plopped on the couch and laid down horizontally, placing my head on her thigh.

"Doing homework."

She eyed me strangely,"On a Saturday?"

"Yeah," I nodded,"For Mr. Elias."

"Oh, okay. Who's your partner this quarter?" She asked me. "Braelynn Chester."

"That black girl from the pool?"

My eyes widened and I sat up,"That girl from the pool, yes."

"Can you switch? I mean, you said you didn't like her anyway."

Why was she acting like we were a real thing all of a sudden? Now that I think about it, I didn't even need her anymore.

"I already tried," I said,"And Mr. Elias wouldn't budge. So I just had to suck it up and I worked with her. She's actually really good."

She crossed her arms over her chest,"I don't care."

"What's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" She fluttered her eyelashes. "Why are you acting like that?"

"Acting like what?" Acting like you're my real fucking girlfriend.

"Like those other girls. Like all those girls we used to sit and laugh at."

"I'm just saying, if we're going to do this, I don't want you to make me look dumb. I have an image to upkeep."

"And so do I," I said through gritted teeth. "Then act like it," she bit her bottom lip.

"If anything, I am. You're the one I'm worried about. You're acting like we're really an item, and you knew the deal since day one."

She sighed,"I'm sorry, it's just there's something I wanted to tell you."

"What is it?" If she was gonna say she was pregnant I swear to God...

"I .... I really like you, Justin. Like for real. I know it wasn't the plan but I guess us being 'together' just gave me some closure, I'd really love to be your girlfriend. Your real girlfriend."

I looked at her, speechless. She sighed again,"It's okay if you don't want to. I shouldn't of just threw this all at you like this. I understand---"

"Let's do it."

"What?" She blinked.

"Let's give this a try."

"Really?" She couldn't help but smile,"You'd change your ways for me?"

I grinned back at her,"Yeah, sure. I mean, who else would I rather have as my girlfriend than you?"

She squealed and hugged me,"Yay! I mean," she cleared her throat,"That's cool."

I laughed and tossed my arm around her shoulder and picked a movie on the tv in front of us.


"How'd it go?" Camari asked when I walked in our room. "Good," I nodded and sat my bag down.

"How was Justin?" She asked. I gave her a weird look. "Fine...."

"Okay," she shook her head,"How's the song?"

"It's good. We're not done yet, though."

"Can I hear it?" I shook my head,"Kinda personal."

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