twenty seven

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After coming back from Christmas break, it was a whole new start back on campus. Everyone was coming back with their new things from Christmas, new hairstyles, even new relationships.

Jaden and Camari got back together, of course. And Camari had a good time at her birthday party. We all did. Me and Justin had our New Years kiss and had a little fun afterwards.

Now it was time to go back to school. It was a new semester, and Mr. Elias had another big announcement.

"Welcome back class," he said to us. Murmurs filled the room, responding back.

"Instead of a project like I usually do at the DAA when a new semester comes around, we're gonna have a contest," he rubbed his hands together. "Contest?" Someone asked.

"Mhm. How many of you would love to be signed to a major record label?" Every hand shot up in the air. What type of question was that?

"Well, now you have the chance. I have a very good friend, and he's looking for a new young face for his label. He's willing to give one of you a record deal."

"Hell yeah!" Justin shouted, every head turning towards him. "Sorry," he said, leaning down in his seat.

"Anyway," Mr. Elias rolled his eyes. "We're gonna 2 judged concerts. The first one will result in 98% of you gone. With only 2 people left. The second concert, the final two will go head to head and the entire campus will vote for the winner."

The class ooh'd and aww'd. This was exciting, and all of us just imagined ourself as a famous singer on a major record label. This was an opportunity of a lifetime.

"So what exactly do we have to do?"

"Write a song and perform it with all your ability. I'm warning you, though. This will be a head to head competition. Expect this to ruin relationships and break hearts."

Everyone else started to talk about Elias's words, but me and Justin took what he said with a grain of salt. We weren't gonna let anything ruin what we had.


"So you nervous about Elias's little contest?" Justin asked while we played a game of ping pong. I shook my head,"No."

"You're gonna kill it," he told me. "If anyone deserves this record deal, its you."

I smiled. "Thanks, but I'm a little scared. I have some competition."

"Who?" He scoffed. "You, dumbass. You have a voice like an angel, and not a lot of boys sing like you."

He shrugged,"We'll see."

"Just promise me one thing," I said. "What?"

"Promise me we won't let this come between us." He laughed,"Baby, you really let what Elias said get into your head, didn't you?"


"Well nothing. He's wrong. If one of us beat the other, we're going to be happy for them. Nothing can break us," he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"You're right."

"I know I am. Now let me finish beating your ass in ping pong," he smirked.

"Oh you're on."

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