sixty nine

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It's been days since I've seen Braelynn, days. For the record, I wasn't cheating on her, I've just been busy planning this baby shower. And that was the God honest truth.

I've called her everyday and night, making sure that she was okay and tried to ensure her that I wasn't cheating. But I couldn't do that since she wasn't answering my calls. I talked to my brother-in-law about it, and he just said the best thing I could do was use this to my advantage and finish planning the shower.

Once I was done with all the planning, it was time to get Braelynn to Manhattan. I don't know how I was gonna do that, due to the fact that she was mad, but I had to convince her without actually telling her why.

I called her one more time, hoping she'd answer, but of course she didn't. So, I called my next valuable source: Camari Bieber.

"What?" She said once she answered her phone. "Camari."

"What?" She repeated. "Have you talked to Brae?" I asked.

She laughed,"Obviously."

"Did she tell you where she's staying?"

"The Hilton --- aww shit, I wasn't supposed to tell."

"No, no. You were right for telling me, thank you."

"You should've just told her, Justin. It's not that serious," she said. "But it is. I really want to surprise her, I hate the fact that she finds out everything."

"Well, since you're horrible at lying, you've convinced your girlfriend that you're a cheater."

"Well, me and you both know I'm not. Anyway, we'll be on our way as soon as I get to her."

"I doubt it," she chuckled and hung up. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the car, driving to the Hilton Hotel.

When I got there I approached the front desk. "May I help you?" Her eyes widened when she looked up and saw who I was.

"Yes, I'm here to see Braelynn Chester but I've forgotten her room number. Is there a way you can help me with that?"

"Um, we'd have to talk to her first about it --"

"That won't be necessary. She's sleeping and she hates when she's woken up. You don't want to add fuel to a pregnant woman's fury, do you?" I gave her a witty smile.

She chuckled and blushed,"Alright, sir. Her room number is 462 and she's on the third floor," she handed me a room key,"So you won't have to wake her up," she smiled and batted her eyelashes at me.

"Thanks," I winked and made my way. I chuckled, my good looks always seem to come through.

I took an elevator to the third floor and made my way to her door. I used the key and opened it, and I felt like a creep when I saw her peacefully sleeping.

I cleared my throat at the door so I wouldn't be accused of anything. "Braelynn, baby wake up please."

She tossed and turned, clutching onto the pillow on the side of her. I smiled, she did miss me. Because she was holding onto the pillow like it was me next to her.

She mumbled things under her breath, something under the lines of,"Leave me alone, asshole." I chuckled and sat on the edge of the hotel bed. I leaned over and kissed her forehead,"Brae, wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open and when she saw me she scooted away quickly. My smile faded in disappointment when she sat up,"What're you doing here? How the hell did you even get in here?"

I waved the key in front of her,"You can't avoid me forever, Braelynn. For real."

"I just don't want to talk," she said, getting out of bed and flashing me with her black matching panty and bra set. I licked my bottom lip and bit it, causing her to snap her fingers at me,"Focus."

"Sorry, but anyway, I just need you to believe me, I'm not cheating on you, Brae. I need you to trust me."

"How can I trust you when you deliberately lied to me?"

"I can't actually tell you what I was doing."

"Why not?!" She exclaimed. "Baby, I can't tell you because it'll benefit you."

"That's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard."

"Braelynn, you have to trust me."

"Tell me why you have been acting different," she crossed her arms. "I can't tell you," I sighed.

"Okay, find your way to the door."

"Braelynn," I reached out to her and she punched me and kicked me. "Stop fucking touching me!"

"You're just upset, I'm not cheating on you calm the fuck down!" I screamed back,"You have no reason to put your hands on me. I'm so good to you, I'm a good ass man. A bad man would've hit your ass back. You can't treat me like shit because you have these trust issues. I'm not cheating on you. I fucking love you," and for the first time in years, I screamed at her.

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "This is ridiculous. How can we raise a child together if you won't even tell me the damn truth?"

"Man," I groaned,"Before this specific situation, did you ever have trust issues?"

"No," she rolled her eyes. "Right," I said,"So you have no reason to even think that I'm cheating on you."

"I do, because you lied to me about what you're doing. proved that you are cheating."

I narrowed my eyes,"What?"

She groaned,"Nothing, nothing. Just know that you not slick at all, I been hipped."

"Obviously not, because I'm doing nothing wrong." I know this was going too far, but I refused to ruin the surprise. Yeah, I was stubborn, but so was she.

She started crying, but I knew that it was just the hormones. I hugged her and this time she didn't push me back.

"Baby, do you love me?" I asked her. She moved from my grasp,"What?"

"You heard me. Do you love me?" I repeated myself.

She sniffled and wiped her tears,"Nope, get out," she said, lying through her teeth.

I stood,"I'm not leaving this hotel alone. Now stop lying and tell me the honest truth, do you love me?"


"Then trust me and marry me."

"I obviously can't trust you -- wait, what'd you just say?"

I pulled the small box out of my pocket and got on one knee. "I was gonna do it a little later, but right now seems like we both need a reason to smile. Braelynn Chester, will you marry me?"

She smiled for the first time since I've been here and her eyes got all watery,"I'd want nothing more than to be your wife,  Justin. Of course I'll marry you."

I smiled and we hugged each other tightly before connecting our lips.

"I love you, Justin."

"I love you more," I said,"Now let's go home, celebrate, then catch a flight to Manhattan. They're more surprises on the way, my angel."

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