forty eight

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"Damn, Camari did her thing on this party," Nate said as we walked in, hand in hand. I nodded in agreement, he was right. It was beautiful.

She had the most perfect decor, elegant waiters and servers, and tons of guests. She really outdid herself this time, but I guess this happens when you're a perfectionist.

We sat our gift by all the other ones and approached Camari and Jaden.

"Happy birthday," I told her for like the 10th time, pulling her into a hug and kissing her cheek.

"Thanks," she smiled,"Like the dress?"

"Thanks," she smiled,"Like the dress?"

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I smiled,"Yeah, you look great." I moved over and hugged Jaden while Nate hugged Camari and wished her a happy birthday.

"Justin's here," Jaden nudged me with a smirk. I kissed my teeth and gave him a weak punch in the arm. "Shut up," I whispered. He chuckled,"What? You don't wanna see him?"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. "No, not really."

"Why not? He's cool. You're over what happened in high school, right?" I scoffed,"Of course. I just ... I just don't want any drama to start, alright? So don't bring him up, especially around Nate. I just wanna have a good time tonight, for Camari," I shrugged. He nodded,"Okay sis, I feel you." We walked back over to the group and they were actually talking, and not having the silly arguments I was used to.

"But yeah," Camari said linking arms with Jaden,"We'll talk later?"

I nodded,"Of course. Enjoy yourself tonight, girl. It's all about you." She smiled and muttered a thank you before walking off with Jaden.

Me and Nate sat at a table and sipped on the drinks that were offered to us.

"So, you excited?" Nate asked, starting a conversation. "About...?"

"Being nominated for that Grammy!" He chuckled,"I'm so proud, babe. Why didn't you say anything about it?"

"I didn't wanna come off cocky," I gave a grin and shrugged,"How'd you hear about it?"

"I literally logged on Instagram for the first time in months and it was every where. I'm so happy for you," he hugged me and kissed my lips,"Now I feel bad that I didn't take you out to go celebrate."

"Don't be. I'm fine," I assured him.

"Excuse me, excuse me everyone," Camari called everyone to attention on the mic,"I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out and showing me some love. I'm truly blessed with the life I'm living and all of you. I love y'all so much."

There was a pause for the applause, and the occasional cheers and screams.

"Now, I'm honored to present my brother, Justin Bieber, who will be singing a song. Justin Bieber, everybody!"

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