Chapter One

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"Harmony, you need to have some breakfast!" My mum runs after me as I bolt for the door, waving a slice of burnt toast above her head. It is the second time she has burnt my toast this week and I'm not too sure I can handle swallowing ash again.

"I'll eat when I get to school!" I yell, grasping my school back on my dash to the front door. Her footsteps are nearing me, so I grab the door handle and yank it open. It is a miracle that the door has not been pulled off of its hinges yet. "Love you, bye!" The door slams shut and I breathe a sigh of relief; I have escaped another morning of burnt toast.

The air is crisp and cool, exactly how I like it to be. The sky is a bright cornflower blue, dotted with splashes of white and yellow. I turn my face upwards, admiring how pretty the canvas looks today. A small smile is sketched upon my face as I welcome spring this year. When my gaze turns downwards again, I am met with more vibrant colours. The grass has turned to a fresh green once more, littered with pinks, purples and reds.

My mood is light, playful. I move a strand of dark hair from in front of my face, opening my eyes to find that someone is walking beside me. A pair of worn shoes have fallen into step beside my own, though the second pair of shoes are far bigger than my own. I see black jeans, and over-sized white shirt and then a face. My blue eyes are met with a grin.

"Good morning, Kazuki!" I smile. The sunlight bathes upon his hair, which he appears to have dyed over the weekend. It looks nice, really nice. "I like the new colour. Did I not tell you that a dark blue would look great?"

"Good morning, Harmony. To be honest, I wasn't too sure about it." He places a hand upon his hair, ruffling it slightly. "But if you like it, I'm happy with it." A dust of pink sweeps across his cheeks as he laughs at his previous statement. His hand falls back to his side. I roll my eyes at him, reaching up to further ruffle his newly-coloured locks in an attempt to mess up his hair. "Hey, this took me a while!"

The two of us have been walking together for some time now, though we haven't always been friends. We only started talking when the two of us were partnered up during a science experiment, which soon led us to realise that we lived fairly close to one another. As we gradually began to speak more during science lessons, we began to walk to and from school with one another. It had gotten to the point where we were practically inseparable.

"How are you on this fine morning?" I ask him, opening my arms to welcome to crisp air. Kazuki stifles a laugh, rolling his eyes at the sight of me. I skip ahead of him, my school bag bouncing up and down on my back. I come to a halt before spinning to face my friend once more. My eyebrows are raised expectantly, waiting for an answer to escape his lips.

"It's a wonderful morning and I'm with a wonderful person. I couldn't be any better." He pauses, a frown ghosting across his features. His lips open once more. "Actually, I'm pretty tired and I can't be bothered to do lessons today. Other than that, I couldn't be better." I smile and nod, though I do not move out of his way. We stand there, staring at one another for a few moments.

"I'd be so much better if I didn't have to use my own legs to walk to school." A hint leaves my lips as I lift my arms up. Kazuki's eyebrows raise as he catches on, sighing before turning and crouching down. A giggle rises in my throat as I clamber on to his back.

"You're the laziest person I've ever met."

"Have you even met yourself?" I shift myself on his back, trying to find a comfortable position. His school bag is digging in to my stomach, although it doesn't hurt as much if I adjust myself correctly. I move so that my arms are wrapped around his neck and my cheek rests upon his shoulder.

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