Chapter Seven

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When the teachers finally managed to find me, I am given detention for the next two weeks. I am lectured severely by several teachers, each ranting for what feels like hours, only pausing to take a breath once or twice. For the rest of the school day, I am sat outside of the Head's office, doing classwork and attempting to ignore the stares of other students as they walk between lessons.

School ends and I move on to my first detention, sighing as the time seems to slow down. I sit in silence, mulling over what Kazuki has told me. He promised me that he would tell me when he was ready, but until then, I shall continue to worry. If it did turn out to be something serious, I would not hesitate to help him out.

My detention comes to an end and I make my way out of the school. I am surprised to find that Kazuki is waiting for me outside of the gate. He is staring down at his phone screen, nodding his head to some music. He is leaning against the metal bars, typing something very rapidly. With wide eyes, I make my way over to greet him, pulling him into a hug.

He hugs me awkwardly, shoving his phone into his pocket. When I step away, he manages a small smile, throwing it in my direction. I shove my hands into my pockets, glancing up at him.

"You didn't have to wait for me." I tell him, continuing to look up at him with wide eyes. After all that has happened recently, he still chose to wait for me. He shrugs briefly, before turning to walk. The two of us fall into step beside one another, as we usually do.

"It's my fault that you have all these detentions. So I shall wait for you every day." He announces proudly, causing a wide smile to spread across my face. It wasn't entirely his fault, but I refuse to disagree with him. "Also, I don't particularly want to go home." My gaze slides over to him once more, only to find that he is nervously rubbing the nape of his neck.

I furrow my brows. "You don't want to go home?"

"Not really."

I sigh, a frown evident on my face. "You can come over to mine if it's that bad." If it is to do with this problem of his, inviting him over is the least I can do to help him out. "You know that my mother loves you, and I'd love to have you over. If you don't want to come, that's totally fine."

"No, I'd love to come over." He stops me, before a blush spreads across his cheeks. I giggle at the sight. "If it's okay, that is." My head shakes in a nod and I can feel him smiling at me.

The rest of the walk is in complete silence. However, my hand manages to brush against Kazuki's on several occasions. This sends tingles running up my arm. It causes shivers to wash over my body. I can only hope that he doesn't notice. Otherwise things could get incredibly awkward.

Just as we are nearing my street, Kazuki takes my hand in his. I freeze. He laces his fingers through mine and my breath catches in my throat. Usually I would pull away, but today I keep my eyes forward. It is incredibly difficult to ignore the heat that is flooding to my face. He squeezes my hand tightly, silently urging me to look over at him.

For a mere second, I cave in and slide my gaze over to him. I meet his eyes only to find that he is grinning at me. Does this mean he is aware of what he is doing? Is he fine with holding my hand? Is he aware of what he is doing to me?

Our steps seem to slow down, our hands swinging back and forth with every step we take. His hands are far bigger than mine. His hands are calloused. But his grip on my hand is strong and firm. It is reassuring. The heat from his skin is seeping into mine, warming my hand as we walk.

"Your hand is really small, Harmony." Kazuki comments, chuckling slightly as we walk along. The corner of my lips twitch up in a smile, surprised at how smooth and calming the atmosphere is. I expected it to be more awkward. I expected it to impact our conversation. But it feels completely natural.

"Maybe your hands are just too big." I quip as the two of us come to a halt. We are stood just by my front garden. The two of us could walk to the front door and head inside right now, but something tells me not to. Not only do I not want my mother to see Kazuki and I holding hands, but I feel like there is something else I should do. Something else I finally can do.

With our hands still entwined, I turn my body until we are facing one another. Kazuki's gaze tears away from the wooden slab that is my front door, instead focusing on me. My eyes lock with his, my chest rising and falling as I fight to keep my breathing under control.

Kazuki made the first move by holding my hand. That gives me the confidence to make my own move, regardless of whether or not he rejects my feelings. I smile at him, stepping forward so that the proximity between the two of us decreases. My mind screams at me to take a step back. My mind screams at me not to be so bold.

Just as I am about to pull away, Kazuki completely eradicates the space between us. Before I can change my mind, Kazuki places his lips on my own. His free hand wraps around my waist and I instinctively place my hand on his cheek. Our lips fit together perfectly. I kiss him with everything that I have.

The rest of the world seems to fade away into nothing as we continue to kiss. We only pull apart briefly to catch our breath, before Kazuki kisses me once more. This time, the kiss is urgent. He pulls my body into his. My hands wrap around his neck, pulling me as close as I possibly can. Our tongues dance and my mind races.

Is this really happening?

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Kazuki whispers when he pulls away, resting his forehead on mine. My eyes flutter closed and I brush the tip of my nose against his. I only wish that this moment could last forever.

"I think I have a small inkling." I respond, my voice small and quiet. Kazuki brushes his lips across mine once more, before my front door is pulled open. We are not quick enough to pull apart. My mother squeals from behind me and I cringe slightly. As I turn my head to look at her, I find that she is grinning from ear to ear.

"I knew it!" She laughs, gesturing for the two of us to come inside. Kazuki laughs aloud and I roll my eyes at him, completely unamused by the whole situation. He takes my hand in his again, tugging me towards my front door. "Now your father owes me money!" She sings.

"Te amo." Kazuki says to me as I close my door behind the two of us. My mother has disappeared into the kitchen, screeching at my father about being right. I frown at Kazuki with confusion written on my features. I receive only a knowing smile in reply. 

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