Chapter Two

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I roll over in my soft duvet, grumbling under my breath. The light is shining through my eyelids, attempting to disturb my peaceful slumber. When two hands grab me, I jolt upwards, my forehead smacking into something equally hard. A deep voice curses loudly as I place a hand to my forehead tentatively.

"What the hell are you doing, Kauzki?" I mumble sleepily, fighting a yawn as I look at him. Unlike me, he is fully dressed. His hair is unruly, as he usually wears it. There is a frown on his lips. His hands is also placed upon his own forehead as he glares at me mockingly. "I was quite content, thank you very much."

"I've been sat downstairs for the past twenty minutes attempting to make conversation with your mother." He mutters, removing his hand so that I can see his breath-taking eyes better. "She said you'd be awake soon, so I should sit down with her and wait. When you didn't show up, she told me that I had the brilliant task of waking you." His eyes did not display anger or annoyance, yet amusement.

"I'm not even presentable." I mumble under my breath. The duvet is quickly pulled from my body and I yelp in surprise. Kazuki grabs my hand and pulls me up. I am stood in front of him in nothing but my pyjamas. They're covered in cartoon kittens. How embarrassing. "I haven't even put my makeup on! Get out!" I shriek, covering my face with my hands.

"You don't need the makeup, Harmony. What you need is to hurry and get dressed." He pouts, laying down on my bed. Kazuki places his hands behind his head, smirking at me. I glare at him through narrowed eyes, before rummaging through my messy drawers. After grabbing what clothing I could find, I shuffled into my bathroom.

My pyjamas come off, quickly replaced by my everyday clothing. A brush is tugged through my tangled hair, before it is pulled up into a simply ponytail. I do not have the time to do anything extravagant this morning. Then I begin to apply the necessary makeup, opting for something natural, as I am short on time. When I am done, I exit the bathroom and dump the pyjamas on my bed, taking Kazuki's hand.

"Let's go then." I say, dragging him down the stairs. He grabs hold of his bag, taking hold of mine as well. Before we can zoom through the door, my mother shoves another bag into my hand, before saying goodbye to the two of us. I assume that the bag is carrying my lunch.

"You actually look really cute in your pyjamas. Love the cats, too." Kazuki laughs when we have shut the front door behind us. I smack him on the arm, glaring at the ground with furrowed brows. My heart is beating quickly from yet another compliment.

"I bet you sleep without a shirt on, considering you have no problem with removing it whenever possible." I state, thinking back to last week.

The two of us were lazing around in my back garden, when I grabbed an old water gun and decided to soak him. He ended up getting his shirt drenched, so he pulled it over his head and abandoned it on the ground. Then he ran off. He got a bucket.

In the end, it completely backfired on me. Kazuki tipped an entire bucket over my head, causing me to choke on the water. My hair was stuck to the top of my head rather uncomfortably. He then proceeded to drop the bucket itself on me. It hurt a little, which made him feel bad. Served him right.

"To be fair, you got me soaked through."

"You didn't see me stripping when you poured that bucket over my head." I pointed out, turning to look at him. He faltered for a moment.

"Are you implying that you didn't enjoy the view of my abs?" He quips, smirking at me. My cheeks are once again painted with pink as I immediately look away from him. I had no complaints at all. "You know you love them."

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