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Kazuki really did it. He really left. Time slowly crawled by without him. I took the opportunity to slide back into my antisocial shell. People would constantly ask me why he had left, they would constantly bug me about it. Others would even go as far as to accuse me of being the reason behind him leaving.

I ignored them. I knew, deep down, that I was not Kazuki's reason for leaving. He left because he needed to clear his mind. He left because it was best for him. As long as I knew that, I didn't care what other people thought.

There were very few people that I actually spoke to. Very few people tried hard enough to get close to me. Eventually, I found myself getting comfortable with a few people. I made a few friends that I got to spend time with, even though they weren't him. They weren't Kazuki.

I was always painfully aware that they weren't Kazuki. I was certain I always would be aware.

The best part of my day was receiving a call from Kazuki. There were days when he wasn't able to video call. Though I was slightly saddened from that news, I understood. Neither of us had ever believed that a long-distance relationship was going to be easy.

My low self-confidence didn't help matters, either. Every time he told me he was going out with his neighbour's daughter, I would worry. What if she was prettier than me? Was she learning more about him than I knew? Did he want to stay there with her, instead of coming back to me?

"Harmony." Kazuki's voice brings me out of my daze. I shook my head, widening my eyes. This was not the first time I'd zoned out on him. There had been several occasions when I had fallen into silence. "I know my voice is melodic, but don't fall asleep on me."

I laugh quietly, laying back on my bed. I can still feel his presence beside me, even if he hasn't been here for ages. "Sorry, Kaz. What were you saying?" We have been on call for over two hours at this point. During out chat, I have managed to finish my homework and clean half of my room. I am tired at this point, so I have given up.

"I was talking about your birthday. Have you decided what you're going to do yet?" Kazuki sounds genuinely intrigued. I have not given it much thought, considering I have not been in the social mood. My friends have asked about doing something, but I have always shrugged them off. "Come on, Harmony. You must have decided on something."

"I haven't given it much thought. I've spent my past few birthdays with you." I tell him, running a hand through my messy hair. With a sigh, I decide that I should probably put it up into a ponytail sooner or later. "I'm just not in the party mood at the moment."

"You should do something, Harmony. Don't let me dampen your mood." Kazuki scolds softly. I smile sadly, aware that he is very much correct. I should get out and do something. I know that if I do not make plans of my own, my parents will insist on dragging me somewhere. "It sucks that I won't be able to give you a present in person."

"Kaz, you don't need to get me anything." This is the same thing I say every year. Kazuki always insists on getting me something, even though his friendship is present enough for me. My eyes dance across my ceiling, examining each star individually. Since Kazuki left, they seem to have dimmed slightly.

"Well I want to." He states. That brings the debate to an abrupt end. "You should make some plans with your friends. Promise me that after this call, you'll arrange something with them." Kazuki is beginning to sound like my mother. I sigh in exasperation and agree, only to get him off of my back. It is something I have considered, anyway.

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