Chapter Fourteen

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Kazuki had snuck out that same night. I had said goodbye to him, hugging him tightly, before he left with his bags in his hands. He had promised that he would call me when he arrived at his destination. In the end, he'd decided that he would stay with his aunt.

That night, I had found it so hard to fall asleep. I had tossed and turned. I had cried into my pillow, attempting to muffle my loud wails. The stuffed animals that lay at the end of my bed had been chucked at the wall out of frustration.

When I finally had succumbed to sleep, I was tormented by nightmares of Kazuki leaving and never returning. I dreamt that he found someone better. I dreamt that he would fall in love with someone else, leave me waiting. It brought tears to my eyes. These tears fell as I slept, dampening my pillow without my knowing.

I woke that morning to find my mother shaking me awake, her eyes wide with worry. She screams at me that Kazuki isn't here. She screams that David has gone looking for him. My father is downstairs, yelling up at the two of us. He asks if we should call the police.

"He left." I mumble sleepily, sitting up with the support of my mother's hands. She takes a step back, furrowing her dark brows at me. It is as if my words have not registered with her properly.


"He left. Kazuki said he needed time to be in his own head. So he's gone to stay with his aunt." I am surprised to find that my voice is so calm. My features are stoic as I look at her, though I can feel the dried tears upon my cheeks. It is as if I am empty. "I'm not sure when he'll be back."

My mother continues to stare at me, suddenly speechless. With that, she shakes her head and drops her gaze. As I continue to sit there, my mother turns and walks out of the room. I can hear her voice floating up the stairs. Then I hear the sound of my father's voice.

They are arguing about something. My father yells that it might not be safe for him out there. He argues that David should know what has happened. My mother counters that Kazuki is old enough to make his own choices. She states that he is allowed to have time by himself.

I force myself to climb out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. As I shuffle along the carpet, I find that it is harder and harder to lift my feet off of the ground. It is harder to keep my eyes open. I cannot even draw a smile upon my face.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, my parents turn to look at me. My father is fuming, his eyes dark with anger and frustration. My mother still wears the same worried expression she has fixed upon her face since the death. My eyes dart between the two of them.

"How could you let him leave, Harmony?!" My father's voice is strict as he addresses me. He narrows his dark eyes at me, his hands on his hips. My mother places a hand on his arm gently, silently willing him to be softer. "You know that state he's in! He should be with people that care about him."

"His aunt does care about him." I challenge, lacing anger into my voice. My mind is tired. Too tired to argue about Kazuki's choices. "Who am I to tell Kazuki what he can and can't do? If he believes that time away will help him out, then who are we to change his mind?"

The air downstairs is colder, biting at my skin. It sends shivers rushing through my body. I miss the comfort of my duvet. I miss its warm hugs. Though it couldn't change the reality, it could help me push it away for a few extra moments.

Sunlight streams through the several windows. I am not welcome to the sunlight right now. It lights up the paint on the walls. It bathes everything in a glittering glow, as if trying to mask our dark situation.

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