Chapter Nine

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Kazuki ends up staying the night. He isn't prepared the go home and I refuse to force him to do something that he doesn't want to do. Instead, my parents tell him that he is welcome whenever he pleases. We order a large pizza, talk, watch movies and kiss our way through the night. It is something I have always wanted to do with him and now I finally can.

When I wake, I find that our bodies are tangled together. My legs are twined through his, his hands are holding my waist once more. I lay there, my eyes dancing over his features, and wonder how this all happened. A goofy smile spreads across my face. I feel giddy inside. I kiss his cheek, attempting to pull myself away from his body without disturbing his slumber.

Somehow, I manage to do just that. He stirs in his sleep momentarily, mumbling something under his breath. Then he curls up once more. I smile at him, heading downstairs. There is a hastily written note waiting for me, one that informs me that my parents have headed out. It also stares that they decided to give Kazuki and I some time alone.

I roll my eyes and groan internally, unsure of whether I should be thankful, or annoyed that they think Kazuki and I would get up to such things. With a small flick of my wrist, the paper ends up in the bin.

Is this the part where I make breakfast? Do I make Kazuki some? I furrow my brows, confused about what I should make. I do not cook very often, especially not when it comes to breakfast. I usually settle for a bowl of cereal and some orange juice, as I have little time to elaborate on school mornings.

"Cereal or toast?" I mumble aloud, tugging open one of the cupboards. My gaze dances over the different cereal boxes, which range from something chocolatey, to something coated in sugar. Eventually, I decide to stay in my safe zone and opt for the chocolatey cereal that I am used to.

I stretch on to my tip toes to reach the bowls. As I am attempting to grasp one of the bowls, a pair of arms snake around my waist from behind. This causes me to yelp in surprise and draw my arm back, thus causing the bowl to slip through my hold. The same pair of arms pull me back before the bowl can land on my feet, the clattering sound echoing throughout the kitchen.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Kazuki laughs, his voice loud in my ear. I smile to myself, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. "Where are your parents?"

"They decided to go out, so I was going to make cereal." I tell him, frantically reaching for another bowl. Kazuki chuckles, stretching over me and grabbing two bowls with ease. I pout, taking the dark bowls from his hand. "Do you want this stuff, or do you want something else?"

He hums as he thinks, his lips vibrating against my ear. "I'll have that."

"Okay." When he finally removes his arms from my waist, I pick up the bowl that fell to the floor. I examine it to find that it hasn't chipped too badly, but I shove it at the back of the cupboard, just in case. Kazuki passes me the milk from the fridge, which is singing softly in the background. I pour some into both bowls, before tipping the cereal into the milk.

"I should probably get a change of clothes at some point." Kazuki mutters, tugginat the hem of his shirt. I look up from my bowl of cereal, shrugging at the comment. His hair in unruly, but it still manages to look cute. His eyes still look tired, but they sparkle with a new excitement that wasn't there yesterday.

"You can wear some of my clothes if you want." I grin mischievously at him, earning a playful glare in response. "We can go over to yours and get some once I'm changed. If you want to, of course." I speak up as my eyes dart around the kitchen. I do not often pay attention to the décor, as I never usually get the time to sit down and eat.

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