The After Party

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"Amazing job everyone!" says Joe "Tomorrow you all have a day off then we start back up until closing night which is over a month away, and also be ready for the reviews. Now let's go get ready for the after party!"
Jessica went to her dressing room, changed into a tight fitting black dress and brushed out Blanche's hairdo and curled her hair. She took off the stage makeup and put on her usual makeup she wears. She looks in the mirror and notices how different she looks. She can't help but laugh. It's as if she was a different person. She looked radiant!
"Okay Jess, stop being conceited!"
She arrives at the after party early but sees that she's not the only one. Lily and Sarah are also there with Joe.
"Hey Jess!!!" yells Sarah
Jessica smiles and walks over to them.
"You were fucking amazing Jess!"
Jessica laughs, "Thanks Sarah, you were amazing too! You all were."
Just then more cast members and crew started to arrive and also celebrities. Some she had been great friends with until Sam turned everyone away from Jessica.
"Oh my god! Jessica!!!!!!!! Where the hell have you been?! Why did you stop calling or return my phone calls?"
"Sorry Kathy! It's.....a long story." Jessica replied.
"Well maybe you can tell me sometime over drinks! We'll make a date!" Kathy laughs.
"Sounds like a plan." said Jessica. She looked down feeling a little embarrassed. Kathy Bates and Jessica had been friends for many years. Jessica hadn't spoken to Kathy in months. Jessica was happy to see her again.
After an hour into the party, everyone was amazed and a little shocked at how much more talkative Jessica was. They were so used to her speaking only when spoke to or otherwise quiet. They loved to see this new side of Jessica.
Jessica started to walk around and talk to more people. She met back up with Kathy.
"So when do you want to meet up?" Kathy asks.
Jessica wasn't sure if she was ready to talk about the abuse but replied, "How about tomorrow? We have a day off. I can meet you for coffee in the morning, let's say 9 am?"
"Perfect!" said Kathy.
After a while Jessica went to the bar and got herself a drink. When the bartender handed her her drink she strolled off to the side to have a few moments to herself. She made her way to a corner and looked out the window. The night was so beautiful, she couldn't help but smile. She had never smiled like this is so long.
"This feels nice." She thinks to herself.
Suddenly she looks down at the street and a shadow catches he eyes. She tries to focus but as soon as she knew it the shadow was gone.
"What the hell?! Am I going nuts?"
She turns around and just thinks it was a mind trick from the streets lights. She wasn't paying attention when she bumps into someone. She almost loses her drink but managed to keep it from spilling all over her.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry!!!" she yells.
"It's alright no worries." said a mans voice brushing his hand on Jessica's shoulder.
Jessica looks up to see a man with dark brown eyes and black hair with bits of silver in it. His touch sent a wave of electricity that she never had felt before.
"Hello my name is Danny Huston." he said with a smile.
"I'm Jessica Lange." she breathed
"Have we met before?" Danny asks.
Jessica goes through her mind and remembers they have met before.
"Yes we have. On the set of the Postman Always Rings Twice." Jessica replied
"Oh right! I was visiting my sister Angelica that day." said Danny. He thinks to himself, "Of course I remember that was the day I fell in love with her. I was a fool not to ask her out!"
"You were amazing tonight by the way."
"Thank you" she said
They talk for a bit then Jessica says, " Well it was nice talking to you but I have to go now."
"Oh no problem, it was a pleasure talking to you again." he's said. "Say may I take you out for dinner sometime?"
Jessica was taken aback. She froze. "Um, I'm sorry but my schedule is pretty full right now and not sure when I'll be available."
Danny didn't let that faze him, he smile and said, "Well that's alright, say here's my number." He said handing her a napkin he had just written on. "Call me when ever you do have time." He smiled and walked away before he gave the chance to say anything. He decided he was going to give some space but not give up. Danny was determined to not let her go this time.
Jessica stood there glued to the spot. She stared as Danny walked away and then looked down at the napkin with his phone number on it. Her breathing came fast but not of panic; she couldn't understand why she was feeling this way. When she had looked into his eyes she felt a connection. Jessica finished her drink then put the napkin into her purse. Her head was spinning, she wasn't sure about this. The last thing she wants right now is another man in her life. "Ha! Come on Jess, it's just dinner." she thinks to herself.
She sighs and decides just to forget about Danny and his dinner offer. She walks back to the party to say goodnight to everyone.
"Hey Jess, you leaving? Me and Lily are leaving too, we can give you ride home."
"Thanks so much! Let's go, I'm exhausted."
Jessica walks into her apartment closes her door and locks it. She goes to her balcony and looks out for a second. She lets all of the day's events come rushing in. She felt so alive, it felt nice, she felt like a human being again. Then she rests her mind on Danny. She couldn't help but think of him. His eyes were mesmerizing. What was she feeling for him she wondered.
Jessica makes her way to her bed room, takes off her high heels and plumps down in bed. She doesn't even change or bothers to get under the covers. She throughout her purse to the floor, turns over and falls straight to sleep.

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