Never Broken Again/Stomach Bug

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Jessica wakes up around 10 am. She flinches. Her body is sore all over. The events of last night start rushing back to her. She keeps her eyes closed. "Damn you Sam! I hope you burn in hell."
She opens her eyes; she can now see out of both of them instead of just one. She turns and sees Danny. She's still wrapped in his arms. She reaches up and plays with his black and silver hair. He stirs and opens his eyes and looks at her. She gives him a smile but quickly regrets it. She flinches in pain. "Fuck."
He reaches for her cheek and gently caresses her in comfort.
"I bet I look horrible." She tells Danny.
"No, you still look beautiful to me."
Danny orders room service and Jessica slowly gets out of bed and puts on her robe. She goes to sit on the chair next to the window. Danny joins her and sits.
"How are feeling?" He's asks her.
"Other than sore and in pain, I feel okay."
"I'm sorry love I wasn't there. I should have left the meeting when that producer was late." He sighs, "I should have been there."
"No, don't do that. I'm the one that should have been more vigilant when I felt something was off. I should have figured it out sooner that it was him who was following me every where and sending me those text messages."
Danny looks at her. "You seem...I don't know. He beat you and almost....." He let the thought left unsaid. "It didn't happen to me and I'm a mess."
Jessica puts her hands on his. "Before I started picking up the pieces of my life and before I met you, yes I would have been a mess and I would have been in worse shape than I am now. But knowing that there is an other side and I'm living it now with you; as long as we have each other I can get through anything. Sam broke me once but he won't break me again. I love you Danny, with all my heart and I can't wait to be your wife."  she gets up and kisses him. It hurt like hell but she didn't care.

Later that day Sarah came to visit her at the hotel.
"Oh god Jess!" she cried out giving Jessica a gentle hug with tears in her eyes. "I rushed right over as soon as I got off the phone with Danny. You should have called me last night, I could have gone to the hospital. How are you feeling?"
"Sore but I'm okay." answered Jessica. "And well it was late and everything felt unreal. So I just didn't want you to worry."
Sarah kept a hand on Jessica's. "Was he the one that was following you and sending those text messages?"
Jessica nods her head. Sarah stays with Jessica for a couple of hours while Danny runs interference for Jessica. He gets all the information on Sam and what the next steps to do are.

*5 weeks later*
It turns out Sam broke his parole and wasn't to leave the state back in Minnesota when Jessica had pressed charges on him. He was sent back and was given 10 years in prison.
Jessica and Danny resumed their lives and decided to have a fresh start and move to a new apartment. It was a three bedroom and two bathrooms apartment and Jessica loved it when they first went apartment hunting. They moved to a quiet part of New York, it was far from Broadway but that was okay with Jessica. She turned down the play she had decided to do. Her face was almost healed, with makeup she could completely cover the marks that were left. Also they were back to having a sex life.

Jessica, Sarah and Lily would meet almost everyday just to talk and plan the wedding which would be on Valentine's Day. So they had plenty of time.
After getting manicures and pedicures one day they went to have lunch.
"Have you decided on a color scheme?" asked Lily.
"Yes! I want red and black!" Jessica answers.
"Oh Jess I'm so excited! And it's not even my wedding!" Said Sarah.
Jessica laughs. Just then Jessica grabs her chest and breaths in.
"What's wrong?!" Sarah and Lily both said on scared voices.
"Ugh, heartburn!" Jessica says while rubbing her chest. She reaches for her purse and pulls out a roll of tums. "I've been having a lot of heartburn lately. And to make matters worse, I think I'm about to start my period. I've been feeling so bloated!"
They both breathed a sigh of relief. "Glad it's nothing serious! I was about to call 911!" Sarah says.
"I'm fine, thanks to tums." Jessica laughs.
Later that day Jessica is sitting on the sofa rubbing her forehead in a circle.
"What's wrong love?" Danny asks as he sits and wraps an arm around Jessica.
She stops and leans in and lays her head on his chest. "I just have bad headache, I took some tylonel. I'm waiting for to kick in."
He kisses the top of her head. "How was your day?"
"It was great. We went to get manicures and pedicures and took a break from the wedding planning. Although we still talked about the wedding." Jessica says with a laugh.
"That's good. I'm glad you all had a good day."
He rubs Jessica's arm and asks, "What would you like for dinner?"
"Hmmmm....spaghetti sounds good! Oh and garlic bread!" she said excitedly. "I'm going to pay for that later. Thank goodness for tums."
"Coming right up!"
Danny had been cooking dinner every night for the past 5 weeks since they had moved in. After they finished their spaghetti, Jessica couldn't take it. "Oh gosh! Sorry Hun but I have to unbutton my pants. If you continue to cook like this I'm gonna be fat by Christmas! And my boobs have grown too!"
"I didn't want to say anything but I noticed how they grew a bit and well since you have your pants undone, why don't we go to the bed room and get you even more comfortable?"
Jessica picked up on that and quickly took his hand and lead Danny into their bedroom.
Danny and Jessica kiss as they take off their clothes. They stay standing while Danny kisses and nibbles the side of her neck. Jessica's breath starts to pick up. Danny lays her on the bed. He was about to start on her hips but she grabs him and says, "I can't wait, I need you now."
Danny enters her and they both let out a moan. "Oh Danny, yes, right there." She says, closing her eyes.
Danny thrusting in and out, slowly then picks up speed. Jessica wraps her legs around his waist. "Oh Jess." says Danny in his deep voice.
Hearing just his voice makes Jessica even more eager. Danny can feel she is close to an orgasm, "Oh Danny! Don't stop! Don't stop! Harder! Please harder!" she mutters breathlessly.
Danny does what she asks and then Jessica lets out a throaty moan of pleasure.
"Oh fuck Danny! That was amazing!"

The following week on Monday, Sarah and Lily couldn't make it to lunch or wedding planning. "I'm so sorry Jess! I know we were supposed to go dress shopping but I was sick yesterday with a stomach bug and now Lily has it."
"It's okay Sarah, we can always go, let's see, maybe Thursday?"
"The doctor said it was a 24 hour bug, it's been going around. Maybe we can go Wednesday! I would say lets go tomorrow but Lily stayed up taking care of me when I was sick, so I want to give her an extra day to recover."
"Sounds great! See you both Wednesday!"

The next day Jessica stays in not feeling well. She hardly touched her breakfast.
"Baby, what would you like for lunch?"
"I'm not hungry." Jessica says looking down.
"Awe Jess, you didn't eat much at breakfast. Let me make you something and try to eat."
"Okay fine." Jessica says feeling a little annoyed.
Danny heats up the pan and takes out some meat from the fridge he had taken out of the freezer in the morning. The meat begins to sizzle and heat up releasing its smell.
As soon as the smell hits Jessica's nose her stomach turns. "Oh god!" she says out loud. Her hand flies towards her mouth and she runs to the bathroom. Danny sees her disappearing through the hallway. He quickly turns off the stove and and removes the pan from the stove.
He runs after Jessica. When he gets to the door he can hear her throwing up.
"Jess, what's going on?" He asks as he opens the door.
"Redecorating." she replies in between heaves.
"I'm sorry love." He walks over to the bathroom closet and takes a wash cloth and wets it. He gets down with Jessica, pulls her hair back and presses the wash cloth behind her neck.
"I think it's over." She says after a couple of minutes not vomiting. "I'm sorry I snapped at you."
"It's okay my love. It looks like you may have that stomach bug that Sarah and Lily had. Come on, let's get you to bed."
"Great, I should move into the bathroom for 24 hours."
Jessica woke up feeling horrible. But she got up and tried to eat something small.
Danny left for a meeting for a movie he was offered. He didn't want to leave her alone but Jessica reassured him she would be fine. After much discussion, Jessica convinced him to take the part. Even though Jessica would miss him dearly, she also didn't want him to miss out on any movie opportunities. He will know when he will leave for L.A at the meeting. She cut herself an apple and got a glass of water. She didn't want to risk eating anything else.
She ate the apple and it seemed to agree with her stomach. She drank her water and sat on the kitchen table and dialed Sarah's number.
"Hi Sarah, I'm gonna have to cancel dress shopping today. Last night I had that stomach bug and my 24 hours isn't up yet."
"Awe Jess! Do you want us to bring you something? Soup? Jello?" Sara asked.
"Oh no you don't have to."
"No Jess, come on what would you like?"
"Um...I guess I'll try chicken soup."
"Alright we'll be right over!"
She kept the apple down so when Sarah and Lily arrived with her soup she decided to give it a try. Lily went to the kitchen, grabbed and poured the soup into it.
When Lily brought it over to the table she set it in front of Jessica. "Thanks." Jessica said with a small smile. She looks down the smelled it. Without a word Jessica ran to bathroom.

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