What Just Happened?

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It was the second week of December.
Danny kissed Jessica goodbye as he left for a meeting; after the meeting, Danny was going straight for the police station to file that restraining order. Megan continued to be where ever they were.
Jessica was tired of always having to see  Megan that she hardly left the apartment. Which is the one place Megan hadn't darkened yet.


As soon as Danny walked out the door, Jessica went to her bedroom and laid down. She wasn't feeling well; she felt like all the stress from the situation was taking its toll on her.
She was always tired, she had headaches, she was late on her cycle and she lost a bit of weight.
She decided to take a nap; just putting Noah down for his afternoon nap, she knew he would be out for a while.
After few moments, Jessica was drifting off to sleep when a sudden rush of nausea came over her.
She got up and thought it would pass, but it didn't. She ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
Fifteen minutes passed when her stomach finally settled. She flushed the toilet and got up shaking just a little. She gets to the sink and washes out her mouth and brushes her teeth.
Jessica lifts her head up and looks into the mirror.
She could hardly recognize herself.
Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, which lost a bit of its golden blonde color, her cheek bones were just beginning to stick out, and she saw the dark bags under her eyes.
Jessica closed her eyes and began to cry. She felt like a prisoner in her own home.
She left the bathroom and laid back down on her bed and continued to cry in a fetal position.

Next thing she knew, she was being woken up by Noah's cry. She hurries to his room and picks him up from his crib.
She smiles at him. "Hey baby boy, did you have a nice nap?"
Noah moves his mouth open and close and puts his hand to his mouth.
"Does that mean you're hungry?" Jessica says laughing. She was teaching him baby sign language. "Alright my little love bug, let's get you fed."


Danny decided to take matters into his own hands before getting the restraining order. He thought he would give her a chance to leave him and his family alone on her own with out getting the police involved.
He told Jessica he had a meeting for a new movie but that wasn't the case.
He didn't tell Jessica because he didn't want to worry her. She hadn't been feeling well lately, she couldn't sleep, she hardly ate. He was worried he would only make things worse if she knew where he was really going.

He called Megan from a hotel phone and told her that they needed to talk.
Danny told Megan to meet him by the bar in the hotel. He wanted to be in a public place rather than be in a room with just them; plus he rather do this in the afternoon. He didn't trust her what so ever.

"Oh my god! Danny! Finally, alone at last!" Megan said leaning in to give him a hug.
Danny put his hands up to stop her. "Megan, you stay right where you are and I'm going to back up."
"Why would you back up? I thought you wanted to talk?"
"Exactly, just talk." Danny sat on a bar stool and Megan did the same. "Look, you really need to stop harassing me and my family."
"Oh Danny, I'm not trying to harass you. Don't you see; I love you and I want to be with you."
Danny breaths in and out. "Number 1, I'm not interested in you. Number 2, I am madly in love with my wife. There is no chance in hell I'm going to let you ruin my life."
"You don't mean that. Don't you remember? On set? The chemistry we had. And how about that night when we went out to dinner?"
"Yes, I do mean it Megan! What you think we had, I was just working. I was doing my job. And as for that night at dinner it was a cast dinner. Every cast member was there to celebrate the end of the filming." Said Danny feeling his patience running thin.
Megan just stared at Danny. Then said, "So, you weren't interested in me?" She let out a laugh. "And I thought you were playing hard to get."
"Will leave me alone now? You need go, move on and find someone who loves you." Danny said.
"Fine, I'll try to move on. But first, would you join me for a drink?" Megan asked.
"I really need to be going home to my family."
"Come on! Just one drink. Think of it as a final goodbye."
Danny let out a sigh and thought to himself. "It's just one drink and then she'll be gone out of our lives."
"Fine." Danny said through his teeth.
"Fantastic." Megan smiled widely.
They ordered their drinks and Danny wanting to get home was about to chug his drink when a fan came up to him and asked for an autograph.
He didn't want to be rude, so he put his drink down, turned around and all his attention was on the fan. The fan said thank you so much and and asked if he could shake Danny's hand. Danny did and the fan left with a huge smile on his face.
Danny turned around, grabbed his drink and chugged it. "Okay I really have to go. Now remember, you said you would leave us alone."
"Of course." Megan said with sly smile.
Danny began to walk away and made it out of the hotel bar when suddenly his vision began to blur. He put his arm out and leaned on the wall for support.
"Come Danny, let me help you."
"Megan, get...away...from me." Danny said slurring his words.
Megan grabbed Danny and lead him away towards the elevator.
Danny tried to pull away but it was no use. He felt like he was going to pass out. Everything went black and he knew nothing else.


Noah was crawling around on the floor of Jessica's bedroom. They had baby proofed the whole apartment so she wasn't worried about him getting into things he shouldn't.
She looked at the time and began to worry about Danny. He was taking longer than she thought.

After her first bout of nausea, she had thrown up a few more times.
Jessica's mind was working fast. She was trying to put the pieces together. The only thing that was off, was the weight lose.
She walks over to her floor length mirror and lifts up her shirt. Jessica's eyes widened.
Turning to her side, there was no mistaking the very tiny bump; especially with her weight lose she can see it instantly. Her hand gravitates to her abdomen.
"Oh god!" she breathes out and brings her hands up to cover her mouth. Her knees begin to buckle and she falls to the floor and begins to cry.
"We can't have a baby now! Not with that psycho stalker out there!" She thinks to herself.
Just then Noah crawls to her and touches her leg. She looks at Noah and tries to stop crying but it's no use the tears kept coming.
His brow is scrunched up as he tries to figure out what's wrong with his mommy. He raises his arms towards her and she embraces him in her arms.
She has no words of comfort. All she can do is hug Noah and he hugs her back placing his head on her shoulder. Jessica feels as if time stood still. All she could do is stay on the floor and rock Noah back and forth.

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