In Which Sans Takes a Job

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Sans knew Papyrus wanted a car. A sports car, too. Not the pile of junk that sat in the shared garage of their flat. It was understandable that he wanted a new car, he had been really excited to become an official member of the gang, and what better way to spend newly earnt money? Sans had seen the ads sitting on the kitchen table after Papyrus left early.

"Well, he's not EARLY, I'm just late" Sans thought to himself, after rolling out of bed around 9:30. He hopped around the room, picking up various wrinkled garments, and throwing them on as he stepped out from the darkness of his room, into the kitchen. The apartment that the skeleton brothers shared wasn't anything to be proud of, but it didn't matter, as they didn't spend much time there nowadays. Light poured in through the open blinds, illuminating the kitchen and adjoined living room with the warm morning sun. Sans lazily made his way to the kitchen, to find a note from Papyrus waiting on the table.


There are leftovers in the fridge. Meet at Grillbys.

Sans opened the fridge door with a yawn, grimacing at the selection of spaghetti waiting inside. Slamming the door shut with disappointment, the small skeleton grabbed a jacket off a hook on the wall as he made his way out of his apartment, careful to lock the door behind him.



A door chime announced Sans' presence to everyone in the bar, which at this hour was just Papyrus, Undyne, and Grillby, the bartender. On the opposite wall from the door where Sans now stood was a bar, tended by a large, fiery man polishing a few glasses. Behind him was a large lit-up sign, crackling from the colored neon inside. To the right of that was a small stage where, during the night hours, various singers would come and perform. Around the room various tables and chairs were scattered, in no particular arrangement. In the corner sat a small, beaten up jukebox, which was pumping out a laid-back lazy tune. The restaurant was deceptively small, the building looked considerably larger from the outside, but this was due to the fact that the humble restaurant was a front for the headquarters of a far less humble gang; The Dremmurr Family. A mob made up of entirely monsters, forming one of the closest knit, most feared gangs in all of the city, even outside the monster district.

"Yeah, FIVE guys, I SWEAR they were seven feet tall each!" Undyne bragged to Papyrus, his skull rested on his bony fingers, listening intently.

"Hey-a Paps. Undyne." The skeleton gave each a nod as he acknowledged their names.

"There you are, Sans! Did you like the leftovers?" Papyrus questioned

"Oh yeah, they were amazin' as always." Although the younger brothers cooking had always been horrific, Sans never let it show. But that didn't stop him from avoiding every opportunity he had to skip a plate of the stuff "Y'know I think I'm still a bit hungry though. Got anythin', Grillbs?" Sans turned to look at the fire-person, who gave a curt nod, and disappeared through the kitchen door to grab Sans his usual burger and ketchup.

"Hey, Sans!" Undyne shouted at the shorter skeleton, who snapped his head around to face her.

"Toriel was callin' us down to her place in the Ruins this mornin'" Although they weren't really RUINS persay, the older run-down part of the Monster district was always called that.

"Said she had somethin' big she wanted to talk with us about," Undyne continued, "Said she needed all three of us there." Of course Toriel wouldn't call them unless she had something VERY important. She hated the family. After her only child, Asriel, was brutally murdered by what was now a rival gang, Asgore, her ex husband, started the monster mob. Toriel was the sweetest monster in the city, and Asgore's sudden turn to violence forced them apart. Originally, she did make an effort to take part in the gang, helping with menial tasks, but soon couldn't handle all the implications of having ties to a gang.

"HUSH UNDYNE!" Papyrus said in a frantic whisper. Papyrus always took a great deal of pride, being in a secret organization and all, and as such, he had always been the most secretive about the gang, but nobody else was here, and Grillby was already tied in with all of their nonsense.

Undyne rolled her eye that wasn't covered by an eyepatch

"Pap, we're ALONE, nobody cares!"

"I care!" Papyrus exclaimed

"Fine, whatever!" Undyne said through pursed lips. Although these two may not seem like it, they were actually the best of friends, closer than anyone else.

Grillby finally reappeared from the confines of the kitchen, holding a perfectly cooked burger and a bottle of ketchup. He set it down in front of Sans, who took a long swig from the bottle of ketchup before diving into the burger before him.

"So," Sans said, swallowing a mouthful of burger, "What did Tori say about this stuff? Why just us? I mean, I know the lady doesn't wanna deal with the boss himself, but why not just call one of us?"

"Dunno. She sounded pretty scared, told me we she would tell us what was up when we get there," Undyne explained excitedly. Although she would never admit it due to constantly being in a state of playing it cool, Undyne loved being brought on to any job no matter how small. But this was no small job. No, if Toriel was calling, it was definitely something big, and she couldn't wait to be in on it.

After squirting the final drops of ketchup into his skeletal mouth, Sans slammed the bottle on the bar.

"Well, lets go see what she wants from us, then."


AUTHORS NOTE: I just had so much inspiration AH I love this AU. Please check out they have so much good art, and I believe came up with this AU. I do very much plan on writing more of this, and all characters mentioned in the tags will be in the story if they aren't already. Thanks so much for reading this! I will try to answer all comments, favorites and such are always appreciated! THANKS!

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