In Which They Go On An Adventure (Part 2)

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"Here we are!" Papyrus enthused, pulling the car to a gentle stop in front of a quaint little shop. He removed the keys from the ignition before swinging the door open and stepping out. He walked over to open the door for his tiny passenger, but they had already figured out how to let themself out. Papyrus chuckled to himself, this tiny human was had a lot of willpower.

Frisk struggled to read the faded sign above the grimy door to the shop. They were okay at reading, but occasionally struggled. They were, however, able to make out the words 'Spider Shoppe'.

What's a S-H-O-P-P-E? Frisk signed inquisitively.

"A fancy shop, I think.." Papyrus trailed off in thought. He quickly snapped out of it to see Frisk bouncing up and down excitedly as they practically skipped to the door to the storefront, throwing themself onto the stubborn door. Papyrus took a few long strides, using his lanky legs to his advantage to catch up to the sprightly child.

Papyrus extended a long skeletal arm to push open the door for Frisk, who was then able to stroll in confidently into the building.

"Welcome, dearies!" squeaked a voice from the backroom.

The owner of the voice skittered into view, revealing herself as a rather short, six armed and many-eyed spider girl, with pale purple skin. She was dressed in an old-fashioned way, but it still seemed to suit her well. Around her arachnid neck, a measuring tape was draped, presumably used to aid in the process of making  clothes. Her short black hair was in pigtails, tied up with maroon bows.

"Well I haven't seen a human in here since before The Divide!" The spider lady delighted. "No matter! My name is Muffet, and its a pleasure to meet you!" She said, extending a thin hand down, as an offering of a handshake.

Frisk took this opportunity, thrusting their tiny hand into her purple palm before giving a hearty shake.

"We came here today to get some clothing for Frisk! Their clothing is.." Papyrus paused, looking down at Frisk's tattered clothing, "Subpar to my standards for anyone living under the same roof."

"Ahuhuhu! I thought it would be for the little one! Now, follow me and I'll get you suited right up!"

Muffet lead them through a narrow, dimly lit corridor to a room with mirrors for walls, and a little stool in the center. Frisk was seemed to know exactly what to do, quickly shimmying their tiny body up and onto the stand. Muffet must have found all of this quite adorable, because she let out a quiet giggle to herself.

"Now lets see, first we need something less hideous for you to wear while I fit you for clothes... Nobody will be in muddy clothes on my watch! Why don't you pick out some clothes to wear in the mean time, hm?" Muffet gestured to a laundry basket behind her, filled with assorted shapes and colours of fabric for every possible monster's body. Frisk pulled their ratty school outfit over their head, and found a sweater large enough for a grown man, which was composed of a light sky blue torso, and two pink-sih stripes running over what would have been the chest, but on Frisk was more of an upper torso area. They slipped it over their tiny frame, and although they seemed to be swimming in fabric, they seemed content. They also managed to find a pair of gray shorts that fit them well enough.

"Very nice. Now, what are we in for today?" Although she looked Frisk in the eyes as she asked, Papyrus offered an answer, as he already had something in mind.

"Well, we need something fancy, something fit for.." Papyrus narrowed his eyes, "Our line of work."

Muffet giggled. It was no secret to her who was in the Monster's mob. The bunch had helped her out a few times, and gotten her out of some tough spots.

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