In Which Punishment is Had

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A/N: A quick word before we start, this chapter goes into some detail about gore and torture. Please read at your own discretion. If this makes you uncomfortable, know your own limits. Thanks!

Sans' hand was still clutching the quivering man, when his vision blurred. A loud pop sounded, and once Sans had regained his vision, he was standing in an old, abandoned warehouse.

The warehouse was almost completely dark, save for a small, flickering lightbulb, who's cord was dangling from one of the high up rafters. It's dim light illuminated a wooden chair directly below it, to which a sobbing man was now tied up. The floor underneath this chair, although made of concrete, was alarming stained. Varying shades of red and brown, caked on from time. Just barely in view stood a chipped wooden table and chair, one which the short skeleton now occupied.

"So," Sans said menacingly, "We figured ya went 'n spread some information."

"I-I..." He wasn't able to choke out a full response through the tears.

"Aight then, I'll get it outta ya," In one of Sans' previously empty, void-like eye sockets, there was a small flicker of bright blue. One that quickly grew into a full-fledged flame.

The scared man's eyes filled with dread. Although he had never seen monster magic in use, the stories he was told as a child left little to the imagination.

Before he could even think through all the wretched possibilites of what this skeleton could do to him, he was impaled.

A long, glowing blue bone had been forced through his torso. Of course, his first impulse was to resist, and he did. He thrashed around wildly in his chair, the pain only increasing with every movement.

"So, ya drive?" The skeleton asked.

No response came from the terrified mess of a man, other than his screams of pain.

"So, when ya drive, ya see stop signs, right? 'N stop signs are red, yeah? So, just imagine a blue stop sign."

He continued banging around on the chair, desperate to get away from the magic.

"Buddy, stay still," Sans explained

Too horrified to respond, the man continued.

"I said STAY STILL."

He stopped, now frozen in fear. He carefully aimed his eyes down to where the blue bone was still lodged inside of him, but strangely, now didn't hurt whatsoever.

" 'S a bit better, hm?" Sans chuckled despite himself.

The tied up victim drew in several deep breaths, being careful not to move anything near the bone.

"So, heard ya almost ratted us out to the coppers, huh?"

"N-no! I.. I was just.. G-gonna.." He was cut short by Sans, when he flicked his fingers, causing the glowing blue bone to twist around inside of him. This searing pain elicited even harsher screams.

"Tsk tsk now, don't be lyin' ta me, pal," Sans said with another distasteful click of the tongue, "now, how's about you tell me who ya told about us?"

"N-nobody!" He stuttered out.

To his surprise, the blue bone faded at a quick swish from the skeletons hand. Relieved, he drew in a shaky deep breath. This moment of peace was quickly disrupted, however, by a searing pain in his left arm.

His head snapped to see the cause of such excruciating pain, as he let out a howl. When he looked, he saw four floating shards of bones hovering just above his flesh. The flesh which had just been penetrated by one of the shards which had plunged deeply into his skin, causing blood to spurt forth.

Sans let out a small chuckle, which rebounded off the walls of the empty building.

"Now ya know I don't wanna hafta hurt ya, but if ya don't start talkin', I might be forced to," Sans said, malice in his voice.

The tied up man tried to give Sans something of a defiant glare, but failed miserably, on account of the fact that he was actually scared belief.

"Well, at least ya try ta act tough, I'll give ya that, buddy," Sans chuckled out, "but because your mouth isn't given me what I want to hear, looks like I'll also hafta give ya another."

With a quick movement of his skeletal hands, the next bone shard was driven into the victims skin, earning another screech of pain.

"I.. AGH.. I'll t-talk..." He uttered out between screams of anguish, "I.. Told s-some of the bosses... ACK.. Of the Ebott mob.. J-just ERGH.. F-for insurance.."

"Well, that's good to know, huh?" Sans lowered his long fingers, letting the bone shards drop to the floor.

"But, this still leaves me with a problem," Sans said through a gritted smile "What should I do with YOU?" His eyes pockets went pitch black, extinguishing the blue flame that had previously cast a soft glow over his boney figure.

"Wh-wha-" but he was cut short by fear. Two large pinpricks of light light up, very dimly. They looked almost like eyes, barely visible due to the fact they were glowing so dimly. If they were eyes, the beast they belonged to was alarmingly tall and large, they were floating about ten feet off the ground, from what he could tell.

The question of who the pair of ominous eyes belonged to was shortly answered. Much to the tied up man's despair.

An enormous white bone-like creature was hovering, it was spiky, almost spined. It looked as though it was made from the same combination of bones and magic as the short skeleton. It's maw was large and gaping, revealing row after row of sharpened teeth. The whole being was light up from some sort of ball of energy it was creating in the back of its mouth, a mass of bright white mixed with tints of a light teal.

A chill ran down the mans spine. No, that was understating it. He was thrashing around, violently screaming, pleading with Sans, who's unforgiving state was colder than ice.

Sans raised an arm, before he thrusted it forward, signaling the horrid creature to fire, and it did.

With a loud 'zap' and a flash of blinding light, it was over.

Sans strode over to where his remains were. Humans were always so messy, what with blood and guts, at least monsters could just be swept up. Luckily for Sans, the blaster had almost completely disintegrated the human this time, leaving very little to clean up.


Sans let out a long sigh, before popping back outside his shared apartment. He could hear squeals of their tiny roommate, accompanied by Papyrus' boisterous 'NYEH's. A smile spread across his face, happy to be back to the safety of his own home.

He pushed open the front door, to reveal Frisk and Papyrus running around, presumably playing tag.

"Sans! Thank goodness you're back! We were starting to worry about you!" Papyrus belted out.

"Heh, you know me, I'm always find. Howbout you? How've you two been holdin' up?"

Very well! We had lots of adventures today! Frisk signed out, their hands moving wildly, they were clearly very happy.

A/N: Ooo boy I made Sans so mean 😂 SO I have some ideas for the upcoming chapters. Feel free to let me know if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them! Also, thank you all soooo much for the support, it's amazing!

Till next chapter!

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