In Which They Try To Have a Night Out

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Sans looked up to Grillby, his flame-like head casting a soft glow in his skull.

"The ugse, please."

Grillby responded with a slight tilt of his head in confusion, unsure of what Sans was trying to say.

"Y'know.. Usual?" Sans sighed, an obvious roll of his eyes in his hollow sockets.

"Ah, of course," Grillby said in his usual low, raspy tone. He disappeared through the fire exit before returning, carrying a plate full of French fries and a burger, along with a full bottle of ketchup. He gently set down the meal in front of the skeleton, who offered Frisk a fry. They kindly refused.

"So.. If you don't mind my asking... Who is this? New buissness partner?" Grillby questioned, keeping his voice low enough to not attract the attention of the other customers.

"Heh, y'could say that. Just tryna keep outta Asgore's way. Boss'd jump on a innocent kid faster 'an froggit. And that monster only jumps," Sans was trying to make an effort to keep the conversation lighthearted in front of the human. Grillby gave an understanding nod.

Although Grillby wasn't directly involved in any mafia business himself, he knew Asgore had a temper. The mob boss seemed charming and charismatic, but being a bartender, one tends to hear about people's... Darker side. And Asgore was no exception.

Monsters bursting in at two in the morning, hysterical and in tears because they knew Asgore was following them. Or a drunk, who was in debt up to his eyes, pouring out his heart to Grillby whilst drinking, talking of the godfather's unforgiving-ness to those who have wronged him.

Like the humans.


It had been a long time ago, Asgore and Toriel were still together. Their son was lost, all the monsters were in a frenzy. It didn't take much to discover that the humans had taken him. The reason why was always left a mystery. Probably some low-life thief just trying to make a quick buck, or some human who wanted to spark a war between monsters and humans. Regardless, all of the monsters were distraught, desperately looking for some shred of hope.

It was then that everything went to hell.

The scientist, in an effort to please the king, experimented on humans. Kidnapping them, torturing them. Desperately searching for a way to force him to do his bidding. The king, however, soon discovered his secret operations. Asgore didn't want this to be his legacy. He wanted nothing but peace, and the scientist had undone the Kings efforts of peace. And so Asgore confronted him. The scientist denied it all, but it was too late.

At this point, the humans blamed the monsters for the disappearances, and the monsters blamed the humans  for plunging their peaceful kingdom into chaos.

And so the war began.

It had started small, a curfew on monster citizens. Eventually, tensions were high enough for the humans to enact a ban on monsters altogether, banishing them to their own city. Although war was never officially declared, it was there. Gangs fighting for control, humans treating monsters as second-class citizens. It got so bad, that at one point the humans threatened to seal the monsters underground, in a local mountain. Thankfully, they eventually decided against it, but each side still stood firm, refusing to give an inch. It was a stand off, and there was no end in sight.

~end flashback~

Sans shot Grillby a thankful look for not pressing for details as he took the first few bites of his burger. He had just  raised his bottle of ketchup to his mouth when he saw something that made his marrow churn in his bones.

As Sans stared across the bar, staring daggers into the performer on stage. The robotic man obviously hadn't noticed, he was too busy making flirtatious gestures at Papyrus.

Sans swallowed his mouthful of ketchup before hoisting his tiny frame up and off of the bar stool.

"Stay put, I'll be back real quick kiddo. Promise," Sans said through gritted teeth, his jawline forcing out a rough smile.

He slowly seated himself next to his younger brother, who was giggling to himself. Sans didn't say anything yet, but just moved his eyes from the performers attempt at flirting and then back to the taller skeleton, each time his cheekbones growing just a shade darker of orange.

Sans steamed. How dare this pretty boy charmer think he can win over Papyrus? Corrupt someone as pure and innocent as his brother? That dolled up glitter-bot probably couldn't wait to lay his sinful hands on his cinnamon roll of a brother. The thought brought a flicker of blue flame to his eye, which was subtle, but present.

Sans glances back over to Frisk, to check in with them. They were sitting in their stool, cautiously picking at Sans' fries (which usually would cost someone a hand, but he would allow for Frisk) As they sat, one of the dogs at another table stood up, and took a step towards the bar where they sat.

This is all wrong Sans thought to himself, Everything here is wrong.

Sans stood up suddenly, pushing the chair behind him with the back of his knee bones. The chair made the loud, dull sound of wood dragging across wood. This startled Papyrus, who quickly rose to his feet to join him.

All of this happened in about the space of 2 seconds (being in the Mafia builds quick reflexes, unsurprisingly,) and startled everyone in the restraunt, including the performer, who stopped singing. The dog that had been creeping towards Frisk stopped dead in his tracks.

Sans locked eyes with Frisk, and he winced when he saw the fear in their eyes. Toriel wanted them out of the mob life, and Sans knew he shouldn't be raising any eyebrows with the kid around.

"Get Frisk." Sans snapped at Papyrus, who didn't ask any questions. In a few of his long strides he was at their stool, and scooped them up into his lanky arms.

Sans strode to the door, eyes aimed at the ground, Papyrus and Frisk close behind.

Sans thrust the door open with a quick flash of magic, and didn't stop walking until all three were a few blocks away, leaving the door slammed shut and far away.


Oh yikes this update was supposed to come faster whatever 🙃🙃 I've got finals in school, but over the summer I have some lovely ideas >:)

Ps: 6k reads?! Oh my goodness, THANK YOU GUYS! I really appreciate all your support and comments thank you all SOOOOOO much <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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