In Which They Find the Name of The Game

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The three had just gotten out of their seats after conveniently putting everything on Sans' tab, when a startling ring on the restraunts telephone pierced their ears. Grillby waked over to where it was mounted on the wall, picking it up gingerly.

"Hello, this is Grillby's," he said, in his low grumbling and raspy voice.

"...I see.."

"Of course"

"...Right away" Grillby slowly turned to face Undyne "It's for you"

"Sure thing," Undyne grabbed the phone away clutching it to her ear.

"Oh, SHIT."

"Are you okay?"

"No no, I'm coming over there right now"

The fish woman slammed the phone back into its original position before walking to the door

"Alphys had another accident at her lab!" She explained, fumbling to button up her coat. "Just give me the highlights of what happens at Tori's, MmK?"

"You got it, Undyne," Sans comforted.

After a long string of curse words left under Undynes breath, she was in her car, most likely driving far above the speed limit.

"Welp, we should get going. Thanks again, grillbz. C'mon Paps," The short skeleton motioned for the taller to join him on his way out of the bar, and Papyrus followed.

Once the two had found the car Papyrus had driven there earlier that morning, he instinctively climbed into the drivers seat. Sans didn't complain. He slid in the key into the ignition and the engine sputtered to life with a few pathetic wheezes.

"You know brother, we should really get a new car.." Papyrus said looking wistfully around as he expertly pulled out of their parking spot.

"Yeah, I'm thinkin' if Tori's job has any pay out for us, it's about time to invest," Sans replied.

The rest of the drive to the ruins was almost completely silent, the only sound was of Papyrus' voice as he muttered to himself about directions to Toriels house. His boney fingers moved swiftly and expertly over the controls of the vehicle, shifting at precisely the right moment, always turning smoothly, even for such a junky car. He had been the driver on multiple jobs because of his underappreciated skills, and a newer car would do those skills even more justice.

It wasn't long before the skeletal duo stepped out into the ruins.

The name really described the place well. The surrounding buildings, once bustling with livelihood were in shambles, the streets broken and cracked. The only vegetation anywhere other than the occasional patch of dried grass was a small, resilient shrub of yellow, almost golden, flowers, positioned outside a house. But this home bore almost no resemblance to its neighbors, being neat and well kept, unlike the abandoned houses surrounding it. The sun from earlier in the morning had dulled, Sans noted. Now, the overcast sky gave the already eerie place an even more desolate feel to the place.

"Well, lets not keep her waiting, right?" Papyrus looked around uneasily, searching for an excuse to get out of the haunting surroundings into the safety of Toriels home.

"Yeah, good thinkin' bro," Even Sans was put off.

Sans walked up the stone path, leading to the front step, feet firm on the ground. He raised his hand and gave a quick, hard knock on the door. Once, twice, thrice.... Quice? Frice? Before Sans could ponder on the pronunciation, his knock was answered from inside.

"Who's there?"

A sudden mischievous grin spread across Sans' skeletal face


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