In Which Sans Finds a Slacker

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Sans woke up to the sound of Papyrus knocking on his door.

"SANS! Wake up you lazybones!" Papyrus shouted.

"Mmf.. five more.." Sans rolled over on his mattress, pushing the greasy ball of sheets to the floor, where it landed next to a pile of empty ketchup bottles.

"Sans, NOW!"

"Shuf.. I.." Sans groaned "I'm comin'.."

Sans forced himself to roll off of his mattress and put one skeletal foot in front of the other. He reached out a boney hand to swing open the door, revealing a Papyrus holding Frisk at his side.

"One of us has to stay home with the human! And help it do.. Whatever humans do.." Papyrus trailed off thoughtfully.

"Well s'pose you should do it, I wanted to catch up with Grillbz anyway," Sans yawned lazily, rubbing his eye socket.

"Splendid! We can spend the day getting you new clothes! And cleaning your head fur," Papyrus picked at Frisks hair curiously, being completely unfamiliar with the stuff.

"Welp, guess I'll get goin', huh?" Sans winked, and Frisk couldn't quite see him leave, but when they looked again, he was nowhere to be seen.


As Sans gently pushed the door to the bar, and a small bell above the door jingled, announcing his presence to the patrons, as well as the fire monster who was thoughtfully polishing the bar.

A few of the dogs nodded in acknowledgment to him, hungrily eyeing his bones. (Not in the sexual way, get your mind outta the gutter)

The skeleton strolled over to the bar, and hopped into the seat next to Undyne, who was downing a glass of something that smelled strangely like the ocean.

"Did ya hear on the radio? Some human kid ran away from a rich family, got a huge price on its head," Undyne said, wiping her drink off her upper lip.

"Hadn't heard of it 'till now, but 's good to know. I'll keep an eye socket out," he winked.

"Well, doesn't matter right now. Boss wanted to see ya, told me to find ya and tell ya," Undyne slid the now empty glass over to Grillby, implying she wanted more of whatever she just finished drinking. "Hope you're not in trouble," she joked. Sans was never in trouble. Although he didn't seem like much of an asset to the mob, he was definitely one of the more dangerous monsters.

"Well, could be related to the kid. Y'know Asgore's never gonna turn down a good clean way to make some extra dough. And besides, the guy'd probably love that sappy load o' garbage, reunitin' people and stuff," Undyne said more to herself than Sans, but he listened anyway, some concern bubbling up inside him. His thought was interrupted by Grillby, who handed him a bottle of ketchup once he saw that familiar look of worry on Sans' face. Sans grinned, his friends caring and understanding nature never failed to brighten his day. (Literally, the guy was made of fire, he brightened anything wherever he went.)

"Welp, I shouldn't keep 'im waiting, eh?" Sans hopped off the bar stool, bringing the half finished ketchup bottle with him as he strode off and out of the establishment.

Before the door had swung closed behind him, he vanished with a wink. When his eye socket reopened, he stood outside a rather ominous door. The door, carefully carved from a dark oak, stood between the skeleton and the office of Asgore Dremurr; the head of the mob. Sans pushed against the door with all the strength his body had, and it finally budged, revealing the space inside.

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