Chapter 2

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Midnight Hookup
By WinterAngelxo

*Misha's POV*
I sit at the table with Vicki across from me. We sit in silence eating the meal she prepared. "This is great." I say to break the silence. I smile at her before taking a mouthful of the mash potato. "Thanks." She said coldly. I sigh and finish eating my dinner. I don't know how it even got to this point. We were so madly in love and then it just went down hill. I take my plate to the sink and wash it. "I'm going out for a walk." I say before taking my coat and heading out.

I reach into my pocket and click Jensen's name. "Hey Misha. What's up?" "Want to meet up?" "Sure. Normal?" "Yeah." "See you soon." I place the phone back in my pocket and walk into the hotel office. Room for 2 please. She gives me the key as I pay. I unlock the door and lay on the bed. I text the room number to Jensen and then wait.

*Jensen's POV*

Danneel I'm just heading out for a while. I'll call you when I'm on my way home. I place a kiss on her cheek and grab my keys. There's been times where I've looked at my wife and thought how lucky I was and wanted to end what ever it is with Misha but I just can't I like it to much and I like him. I get so lost in thought I hadn't realized I'm already at the hotel.
Misha. 11:26pm
That's the hotel room. I make my way to the door and knock. "Hey." Misha opens it and greets me.
We sit on the bed and just sit in silence. Usually we'd be tearing each others clothes off by now.. "What's wrong?" I break the silence. "Nothing." He tries to reassure me. "Misha.." Every actor knows when another actor is lying. "I just.. is what we are doing wrong?" "Yeah of course it is.. We knew that the minute we first had sex." I don't know why his bringing it up now. "It's just. If we are unhappy in our marriages why don't we just you know.. Get divorced." I was shocked at what he was saying. "Where is this coming from? You know we're just friends who have casual sex and nothing else. Why would we leave our wives for that?" "I know.. just forget it." He stands in front of me and starts un buckling my belt. "Wait.." I say lifting his chin so he is looking at me. "I have to tell you something.."

Sorry it's short. Also sorry for the cliff hanger. :) hope you're enjoying the story so far let me know what you think. x

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