Chapter 1

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*Ariana's POV*
   My eyes open from the sound of my alarm going off. I get up to get ready since I have a photo shoot today for my new song 'Focus'.

I put my soft ombré hair in a bun so i can get ready. As I look for my sweater so I can go,I stare at my phone. No texts. "Why hasn't Justin texted me?" I say. "He is probably still sleeping."
I continue searching for my sweater and think to myself, "Why do I care?" "He is just my friend..." I think it's non sense so I just get my keys and go to my white Range Rover.
I do what I always do every morning. Go to Starbucks. After I get my coffee, I get to the parking lot of the studio where my photoshoot will take place.

My phone rings. Its Justin. he texted me saying,

"Ariana wanna do something later?" "YES!" I scream out loud. "ya lol I'll call u when I'm done with my photoshoot." I reply I'm so happy we are going to hang out later, But why? It's not like we will ever happen... I open the door and go to my dressing room.
I search for my makeup artist to do my makeup. She starts, an hour goes by. I now move on to hair. Then of course my outfit. As I finish I get a visit from, of course Ricky. He is my boyfriend but I don't know do I really love him?

When I'm with him I don't feel like how I feel when I'm with Justin... Whatever I'll just have to go with it.

   "Hey babe." he says. I hesitate. "Hey." I say softly. "Why are you here?" "Just wanted to see you, you look beautiful!" he says with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks, well I have to get to my photoshoot so after we can talk okay?"
I said but I didn't really mean it.
I walk away and start it. Time goes by. Justin is all I think about his smile just stays in my head. As I go back to my dressing room. I walk in to Ricky looking through my phone.

"What the hell are you doing?"

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