Chapter 7

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*Ariana's POV*
I see Justin looking at me. What's going to happen now? I act like I like Ricky? I do what I have been doing this whole time? I grab Ricky by the hand.
"I have to tell you something..." "Okay what is it?" Ricky said.
I see Justin grabbing his things and I make it quick. "I ummm... Uh never mind.." I say walking away.
Suddenly I feel a slap go to my face as I fall to the floor. He grabs me up pulling my hair. "Don't you fucking say that tell me! I know somethings up!" He said looking at me.
"Ricky stop! Justin help me please!" I say screaming. As I scream Justin comes running in.
"Let her go you ass!" He said screaming he comes running punching Ricky in the face. He falls to the floor.
"Ariana, are you okay?" He says almost in tears. "Yes I'm fine thank you Justin." I said with fear in my voice. Ricky gets up and grabs Justin by the neck.
"Don't hurt him!" I say to Ricky, push Ricky and kick him in the balls.
He gets up and punches Justin in the stomach. I feel horrible. Justin is going through this all because of me? Love is crazy... I feel horrible seeing someone I love so much getting hurt by a dumb bitch.
Justin grabbed Ricky and threw him to the floor stepping on his face and kicking him. They keep fighting and getting hurt what do I do? Call the cops? Stay there and watch? Get in the fight?
     "Stop! Justin! Ricky!" I feel so bad that Justin got hurt all because of me. What is Scooter gonna say when he sees the bruises on his face? Oh my god.
     I grab Justin helping him to get up. Before I leave I say "Please stop I'm begging you.." I say crying. They stop and Justin comes to comfort me.
He whispers to me saying "It's okay babe. I'm here. I'm fine." I hug him and feel so relieved he's okay. "I'll act like we aren't dating. I know you'll get in trouble.
He gets up walking away from me. He walks to the exit saying "Ricky please take care of her? Don't abuse her again or I'll cut your dick off. If you have one." I start to laugh and Ricky just looks at me mad.
"Ariana..." Ricky says to me. "Are you with Justin?" "N-no why?" I said worried. "Just asking in sorry for what happened." He said staring at me with pity.
"Yeah me too." I stand up getting my keys and leave. "Justin wait!" I said right as his car was leaving. "What happened babe?" He said
"Are you okay bb?" I say. "No.. You got hurt and I couldn't do anything about it that ass hit you! Don't take that kinda shit from a man. A man who doesn't even deserve you especially." He said to me. I look at his beautiful eyes with a smile.
"I love you Justin so fucking much." I say.
"I love you too." He says to me. We kiss and he speaks "But we can't say anything I don't want you to get in trouble." "I know I just wanted to say that."
I leave to my car and feel happy. Justin makes me smile every time we talk. He makes me so happy.

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