2. The Autobots

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Upon awakening, it became clear to Chris that none of what had happened was a dream. The bots staring down at her when she opened her eyes were all too real.

She sat up with a start, "Where am I?"

"Easy, human." An orange and white robot said gruffly, "You sustained minor damage to your neural net."


Chris screwed up her face at that.

"What Ratchet means is you hit your head." The blue one, Arcee, explained.

"You're robots?"

"We are," Ratchet explained, "but unlike you humans are led to believe, we are not built, rather manifested by a mystical force."

Seeing Chris's confused face he added, "It's complicated."

Heavy footsteps approached and the group opened up to allow the tallest, most noble robot of them all a place to stand; Optimus Prime.

"We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, concealed by your government. We are fighting a war to protect your planet from the evil war-monger, known as Megatron."

Chris's mouth moved to speak, but no noise came out. She shook her head.

"I think I follow you. That robot that grabbed me, was that him? M-maxitron or whatever?"

"Megatron," Ratchet corrected, "And no. Knockout is...a medic, of a sort."

"You're a doctor."


Chris nodded, "I suppose you should know my name. I'm Chris Handell, and I'm...just a human."

"I'm Arcee." The blue robot introduced herself, "And,"

She gestured the orange and white 'bot that had lost interest and walked away, "The sulky one is Ratchet."

She motioned to two other 'bots Chris didn't recognize. One was enormous and green, the other was more sleek and yellow like a bumblebee.

"This is Bulkhead, and Bumblebee."

Chris grinned, "Your names fit."

Bumblebee didn't speak, rather he uttered a series of delighted beeps and chirps, gesticulating with his arms. Chris laughed, not sure what he was saying, but she guessed he was saying 'Thank you'.

"And this," Arcee gestured up to the tallest, "Is Optimus Prime."

Chris could hear the respect in Arcee's voice when she spoke of him, and she felt she should do the same.

"It's an honor to meet you."

Ratchet grunted, "At least she knows her place."

Arcee scowled at him.

"Thank you for your hospitality and everything, I appreciate it. You saved my life, and I can't tell you how much I owe you. But I should get back soon, mum will worry." Chris got up from the sofa.

"I'm afraid, given the circumstances, it is too dangerous to allow you to leave." Optimus explained sadly.

"W-what? What do you mean?"

"If the 'Cons used you once, they may try to use you again." Arcee explain grimly, "I hate to sound ominous, but they now know where you live, and they won't hesitate to track you down now that they know you're aware of us."

Chris was horrified, and it showed on her face. She sank to her knees against the guardrail.

"Is my family in danger?"

"Optimus?" Arcee asked.

"We will have Agent Fowler contact your family, to relocate them to a safer place." Optimus explained.

"Who is he?"

"Our human ally who communicates between the Pentagon and our base."

"Pentagon? As in America?" Chris asked, "Optimus, my family and I are British. We don't live in America. Can your agent relocate them even then?"

"I do not know, but I have faith that he will not rest until he has found a solution. For now, please remain calm."

Optimus's tone was comforting and Chris nodded.

"Will I..." She hung her head, "Will I ever see them again?"

Arcee gave her a pitying look.

"Listen, kiddo. We're going to do whatever it takes to protect your family, and you."

Chris nodded, but there were tears in her eyes. Bulkhead decided to step in now.

"Besides, wait till you meet the kids! I think you're gonna hit it off just fine!"

"What kids?" Chris lifted her head.

"We have three other humans living with us, for the same reasons you're here." Arcee explained, "Jack, Miko, and Raf. They're at school right now, but you'll meet them later."

Chris managed smile, at least she wouldn't be the only human here.

"If you need anything, just ask." Arcee told her gently.

Chris felt a warm sense of comfort. Arcee was so kind, almost motherly. It made her feel a little better at least.

That evening Chris was awakened by Arcee.

"Just wanted to let you know, we're heading out for a little while to pick up the kids."

Chris sat up, curious, "Could I come with you?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. You need to rest, Ratchet's orders. You do not want him angry, trust me." Arcee winked.

"Alright, just...hurry back?"

Chris was tired of being cooped up. Her head felt fine, and now wanderlust was creeping in. She wanted to explore the base and maybe, soon, see where she was for the first time. Arcee had told her it was a town called Jasper, in Nevada, which Chris knew was somewhere in America. But she'd never been in America before.

"I will." Arcee replied and turned to the tunnel leading out.

Chris watched in awe as Arcee transformed into a motorcycle. Behind her Bulkhead and Bumblebee transformed into a hummer and a muscle car.

Her jaw fell, "You transform? Into cars?"

That would certainly explain the Aston Martin that looked so much like Knockout.

Ratchet rolled his optics, "Of course! Does the name Transformer mean nothing to you humans?"

"You never used it before." Chris corrected him.

Ratchet scoffed and shook his head.

"Come back quickly Arcee, so this human will have something to distract her!" He called as the three Autobots left the base.

So this was kinda like an establishment chapter where she meets the bots and all that jazz. Not a lot of action at first, but it's definitely coming muhahaha!

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