8. The Rescue Squad

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Not sure if title is creative, or just plain stupid. 😂

"Step away from the human, Autobots. You wouldn't want her to get hurt."

Megatron approached them, flanked by Starscream (who was limping a little). Clutched in Megatron's hand by her wrists was Arcee, unconscious. Bulkhead transformed his hand into a wrecking ball and growled.

"Leave her alone!"

Megatron was pointing the ion canon on his wrist at Arcee, "I would put away that weapon. Unless you want to see your fellow Autobot blown to atoms."

Bumblebee let out a low hum, the kind of tone he used when he was angry.

"Don't make me crush you, bucket-head! Let her go!" Bulkhead shouted.

Megatron acted as though Bulkhead hadn't spoken. His cannon began to charge to fire; a high pitched sound that made both Autobots jump.


Then another sound mingled with the whir of Megatron's canon; the sound of an engine, growing louder as it neared.

Starscream glanced back, saw what was fast approaching, and was about to warn Megatron when the oncoming ambulance hit the warlord square in the back.

Megatron crashed face first into the ground and Arcee fell from his grasp. Ratchet landed the jump roughly on two wheels and transformed to steady himself. Standing up he rotated one shoulder and sighed with satisfaction.

"I was expecting someone taller." Bulkhead joked, but he was clearly relieved that backup had arrived at last.

"Optimus is on his way, against my wishes." Ratchet replied. He felt Optimus was in no condition to fight, but then, they needed him. As the imposing figure of Megatron rose to his feet Ratchet almost hoped Optimus would show up.

Arcee had revived, and was getting up, but Megatron put his foot on her back and pushed her down. Beside Ratchet, Knockout transformed, albeit favoring his left side. In his hand was Chris, a frozen look on her face.

"You..." Ratchet stammered, somewhere between anger and disbelief, "You've brainwashed her!"

"Indeed he has," Megatron remarked, "Although it was not my idea to allow a filthy human aboard my warship."

Ratchet gave him a disgusted look, "If you don't want her, why fight so hard to keep her?"

"Because she may yet prove useful, but that's already more than you need to know." Megatron was working behind the scenes, something that didn't make sense to Ratchet or the others. It was a mystery, and a terrifying one. One thing was certain: The Decepticons couldn't be allowed to have Chris for whatever they were planning.

"Three on three," Bulkhead spoke up, "We can take 'em!"

When no one reacted he looked around at them, "Right?"

"No," Ratchet's hands clenched into fists, "We can't."

He looked at the ground.

"It would seem that eons of war have taught you well." Megatron taunted. Behind him a ground bridge opened up and he began backing up to it. Starscream was first to exit through it, then Knockout passed through and with him, Chris vanished. Megatron was last to disappear.

The three of them stood defeated for a moment. Then Bulkhead said, "What's the plan?"

Ratchet turned to them, a surprising look of determination on his face.

"Wait here for Optimus."

He transformed and sped through the portal before it sealed shut. Arcee blinked in shock, and as Bulkhead helped her to her feet she asked, "Did he just...?"

"We gotta find Optimus! Ratchet can't take on Megatron alone!" Bulkhead exclaimed, "He knew that!"

"If he knew that, why'd he just take a one way ticket into his warship?"

"Because..." Bulkhead thought aloud, "He's doing it for Chris."

Ratchet transformed out of his alt mode the instant he was through the portal and slammed the first free fist he had into the back of Knockout's head. The red Decepticon let out a garbled shout and stumbled to the floor. Chris flew from his grasp and Ratchet caught her out of mid-air.

Starscream had turned upon hearing the crash and now aimed his remaining missile at Ratchet.

"There isn't only one thing eons of war have taught me, Megatron." Ratchet said, glaring them down.

Megatron shook his head, "And yet to think, with all that experience you're still predictable."

His blade had slid out from under his fusion cannon. It had been concealed at his side before, but now it sliced the air. Ratchet transformed his free hand into a blade in time to block it, grunting from the blow.

Starscream chuckled, "Amazing what these Autobots will do for an alien species who can do nothing for them in return."

"Never underestimate a human." Ratchet replied as Megatron forced down on the blade until his arm trembled from resisting it.

"Wise advice." Megatron answered, "But wiser still, never underestimate me."

It took only a split second, but Megatron's abrupt action seemed to take place outside of normal time, and everything slowed down. The warlord withdrew his blade and drove it into the unprepared Autobot. Ratchet's optics grew wide, his mouth open in a silent scream. Then all expression faded from his face entirely and he slumped to the floor. Chris tumbled out of his hand.

Chris was confused. Her mind was fuzzy, her emotions were all over the place. Somehow she wanted to shout at the enormous grey robot, take out all her frustration on him, but she didn't know why and she couldn't move even if she did.

She stared up at the 'bot who had tried to save her. She knew that much, that he had tried and failed to rescue her from something. The urge to cry brought more confusion. Maybe, she thought, it was because the 'bot's eyes were slipping closed and for some reason she knew they might not open again.

Something was blocking her from thinking rationally, but one name remained in her mind. It played over and over like an echo:


Bad, bad cliffhanger, I'm sorry! I'll try to update again soon.

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