6. Deception

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This is probably the longest chapter in this story so far. Ya'll earned it. Thanks for waiting! :)

Optimus closed communications with the Decepticon warship and turned to face Team Prime.

Their eager and distressed faces met him. He noticed Ratchet looked especially moody.

"You think Megatron will keep his word?" Arcee asked, being the first to speak. Jack was by her side.

"If I know Megatron for what he has become, I believe he will not." Optimus hated to dampen his team's spirits, but he would not deceive them.

The entire group seemed to droop with dismay. Ratchet clenched his hands into fists and stalked away, a few of the 'bots gazing after him and wondering where he was off to.

Then Optimus said, "But no matter what dastardly scheme we may face, know this: we must remain strong, for this planet, for mankind," He lifted his emboldened eyes, "for Chris."

Bulkhead was rejuvenated and smashed his fists together, "I say we bust those 'cons full of dents and get Miko's friend back by force!"

Arcee gave him a 'seriously' look.

"What?" Bulkhead retorted, "Megatron's not keeping his side of the bargain anyway."

"Be that as it may, Bulkhead. We must remain steadfast in the face of deception. It is what sets us apart; Autobots and Decepticons." Optimus replied. "However, I do not intend to allow ourselves to be taken advantage of either."

"Can we just charge through the wormhole and kick 'con tailpipe already?" Miko shouted, feinting a few punches from her perch on Bulkhead's shoulder.

Bulkhead set her on the catwalk and she crossed her arms angrily.

"You are not seriously making me stay behind! Chris is my friend!" She stamped her foot.

"We'll handle this, Miko." Bulkhead reasoned, "Chris wouldn't be too happy with me if she knew I let you get stepped on."

Optimus rallied the team to the ground bridge, calling, "Autobots, prepare to roll out."

Ratchet came in, shoulders bent. Optimus watched him worriedly, and when the medic looked up at him the frown deepened on his face.

"Arcee," Ratchet looked over at the blue femme, "will you man the ground bridge in my absence?"

Arcee blinked in surprise, "You're going? But I thought you-"

"I never said I didn't like Chris." Ratchet said stiffly and awkwardly, "Now...hurry up and patch in the coordinates so we can leave."

Arcee didn't argue, tapping on the screen and dropping the lever. The ground bridge fired up and Optimus led his team through it.

"Autobots," Optimus looked back at them for a moment. They were determined. They were ready.

"Roll out."


"Wake up, human."

Knockout's voice was sinister. Chris opened her eyes to see a pair of red circles beaming down at her from two black optics. A sneer curled on the 'con's white face.

"Good morning," Knockout said in a sing-song voice. He added, "Hope you slept well?"

Then he grinned, pretending to notice the cage Chris was hanging from the ceiling in for the first time and chuckling.

"Oh, I guess not. You do look tired."

"Stop making digs at me like a second-grader. Why am I here? Why did you capture me?" Chris asked through clenched teeth. She gripped the bars tightly.

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