5. Fair Trade

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So to recap, Chris has been captured by Knockout, after he surprisingly KOed Starscream. (ha, I attempted a pun) And Starscream is now a captive of the Autobots.


"Arcee!" Optimus called after the two-wheeler, before turning to Bulkhead, "Restrain Starscream. He may prove useful in getting Chris back from the Decepticons."

He then transformed and drove hard to catch up to Arcee. Already the cloud of dust kicked up by Knockout's treads was far away, but Arcee wasn't giving up.

Optimus gave himself an extra burst of speed and drove in front of Arcee to block her path. She skidded to a stop and transformed.

"Arcee, pursuing Knockout will amount to nothing. We must handle this situation delicately, as any move we make could affect Chris' survival."

"Optimus, it's my fault she even knows about us. If anything happened to her, I'd never be able to live with myself." Arcee pleaded, "Who knows what the 'Cons have in store for her!"

"Which is why I must emphasize that we proceed with caution, and be prepared. For I do not doubt that Megatron will use his hostage as a potential bargaining chip for his own dark purpose."

The groundbridge aboard the Nemesis opened to let Knockout drive in. Soundwave awaited him, and closed the bridge behind him. He watched the Aston Martin expectantly.

"Yes, I have the human." Knockout answered the unspoken question, "Do you really doubt that I would keep my word?"

Soundwave merely pointed down the hall to where Megatron was no doubt waiting, and Knockout sighed.

"Wish me luck smoothing this over with the head honcho." He revved his engine and drove down the hall.

The doors to the ship's bridge slid apart and Megatron turned to see who had come in.

"Knockout, I trust you and Starscream found what you were-"

Starscream wasn't there.

Knockout transformed and held Chris in the palm of his servo. Chris blinked as she took in her new and strange surroundings. Then she saw Megatron looming over her and her breath was swept away. He was truly enormous...with sharp teeth. Sharp teeth were never a good sign.

"What is this?! You fail to return with a fresh supply of energon, and instead you bring to me a lowly fleshling?" Megatron's voice made Chris's bones vibrate. She shrank down in Knockout's servo, but Knockout was shrinking back from Megatron just as much as she was.

"Tell me you at least know the location of my second in command!"

Knockout laughed nervously, "O-of course. I speculate that he's somewhere near the location of the energon readings..." He gulped, "With the Autobots."

Chris covered her head with her hands as Megatron let out a roar.

"You let my first lieutenant fall into the hands of the Autobots?!"

"Forgive me, my liege. It was an accident. B-but look!" Knockout held out Chris like a trophy, "I caught one of the Autobots pets for you!"

"I have no interest in your weak attempts to justify your blunder, Knockout! For your negligence, you will be responsible for returning Starscream to the Decepticon fold," Megatron growled, "By whatever means necessary."


"You caused this mess, doctor. You shall clean it up."

Knockout eyed Chris for a moment and a sneer curled on his faceplate. 

"Come, human. You have a job to do."

Not long after Chris was introduced to Megatron, the Autobots returned to their base, Bulkhead dragging a chained up Starscream over his shoulder.

"Ow! Stop yanking! You're hurting my wing!" Starscream complained.

Ratchet turned to them as soon as they came through.

"Optimus, Miko and Chris slipped out after you-"

He stopped when he saw Miko. Then he saw Arcee's forlorn face and his spark fell. He realized Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"What happened?"

Optimus stepped out of the way to let Bulkhead drag Starscream through. At this, Ratchet's optics widened.

"What's he doing here?!"

"Ratchet, Chris is a hostage of the Decepticons." Optimus said plainly.

Ratchet's faceplate changed from confusion to disbelief.

"She was only here but two days." He murmured. Optimus rested a servo on his shoulder.

"That is why we have Starscream, old friend. We will make a trade with the Decepticons, and have them return Chris in exchange."

"Optimus, you know Megatron. He's ruthless. Even if he did give us back Chr-...the human, who knows what they might have already done to her?"

"That is why we must work quickly. Contact the Nemesis immediately."

A monitor on the Nemesis began to beep incessantly and a vehicon reported, "Lord Megatron, we are receiving a message from an unidentifiable source."

Megatron eyed the screen curiously.

"Put it through."

The vehicon pressed the query box on the screen and Megatron announced himself.

"This is Lord Megatron. Identify yourself immediately." 

"Megatron, this is Optimus Prime. I am prepared to make a deal."

Megatron smirked. He knew exactly where this was headed; Starscream was in the hands of the Autobots, the human was in his possession. Everything was in order for an easy double-cross.

"I'm listening..."


Finally updated! Whoohoo! *insert white dad victory dance*

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