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(Harry's POV)

“Harry! C'mon it's getting late” I heard Chesca shouting from downstairs.

“Why do I have to go shopping with you, again? I said while I made my way downstairs.

“Because you're my best friend, and that's what best friends do”

“Ugh, fine! But this is the last time, and please, can we go somewhere not well known? I don't feel like being mobbed by fans right now”


(Vicky's POV)

“Please Vicky, come with us” Maddy told me for the tenth time that day.

“I'll go to the concert, but I'm not wasting my money on that greet 'n meet thingy”

“Why not?” said Victoria in the fitting room.

We were at a small shop helping Victoria to find an outfit for her date the next day.

“Because, I don’t want to pay so their ego grow even more.”

“Ego? They're super nice! Please? You'll have fun, do it for us” Maddy said while pouting.

God, will they ever give up?

“I already told you, I'm nor meeting some big-headed guys, you can both go, and have fun without me.”

The door of the shop opened, and Maddy, that was facing it opened her mouth, no sound coming from her.



I turned around, and there he was, Harry Styles, the reason why I'd be arguing with my friends before.

“Girls? What happened?” Victoria said, still in the fitting room.

“Noting!” I answered

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, it's Harry Styles!” Maddy yelled loud enough for him to hear her.

“What!?” Victoria went out of the fitting room, and when she saw him she just stared, unable to talk, something very unusual in her.

God, why do my friends have to be such fangirls? Couldn't they see that they were just normal boys? Sure, they were hot, but still...

I saw him coming toward us, a smile on his face.

“So, I'm guessing you are fans?”

“Yes, I'm Maddy, and these are Vicky and Victoria!”

“hahaha, someone is excited”

God, I can't stand him, there's no way I'm going to a meet 'n greet after this.

“so... who's your favourite?”

“You!” Maddy was unable to stop yelling, “Gosh, you're so hot.”

“hahaha, thank you sweetie, and yours?” he said looking at me.

“erm, I'm not really a fan, sorry.”

“ooh, so, hard to get? You don't need to lie, you can tell me.”

“she's not lying, she is not a fan.” said Maddy.

“Anyway we can change that?” he said with a smirk on his face.

“umm, I don't think so.”

(Harry's POV)

That was the first girl who had turned me down since the X Factor, and I'm not gonna lie, it surprised me, now, I only want to make her mine. I'm not going to let that show though.

I turned to the other girl, the one who hadn't spoken yet.

“And, what's your favourite?”

“Zayn.” she said shyly

I noticed a funny accent when she said that, I didn't recognised it.

“Harry!” I heard Chesca yelling from across the shop” I'm sorry for interrupting, but you promised that today it was going to be just you and me.”

“Sorry! I'll be there right now!, so girls, are you going to the concert?”

“yes! We are also going to the meet n' greet!” the cute girl with freckles named Maddy said.

“Actually I'm only going to the concert” Vicky said.

“oh, well, I hope that you change your mind, it was nice to meet you girls, I'll see you both on Friday then”

I went back with Chesca, but my mind was still with Vicky, the only girl who hadn't fall at my feet, I couldn't believe it, I didn't know why, but it only made me like her, even though I didn't know anything about her. The only thing I knew was that I was going to make her change her mind.

Change your mind (One Direction story)Where stories live. Discover now