I heard you were going on a date with MY man

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  • Посвящена Amy

It was getting nearer and nearer to the time Harry was to pick me up and it was safe to say I hadn't the slightest idea what to wear. I didn't want to look overdressed incase he might take me to pizza hut or something, but I didn't want to look under dressed incase he took me somewhere fancy, I was slightly confused to say the least. I decided the safest idea would be to wear something, 'in the middle' so I picked out a nice, but not to dressy outfit before getting 2 towels and going to the bathroom to take a nice long shower.

I washed my hair with shampoo, then again with conditioner while singing along to 'Lego House by Ed Sheeran' before washing my body with mint shower gel, the smell is lush!

I got out the shower, and wrapped one of the fluffy towels around my body and another around my brown hair before padding back to my bedroom. My outfit was layed on my bed so I double checked it to see if it looked okay before slipping it on. I had a black lace tube dress, and plain black heels. Simple, but it always works. I accesorised my outfit with a Jesus cross necklace, earrings and some bracelets before looking in the tall mirror in the corner of my room.

I sat infront of my dressing table and tipped my make up out, unsure of how much to put on, so I began on my hair. I blow dried it, making it go slightly wavy before plaiting s strand of hair and pinning it back in place with a few clips. I didn't bother straightening my hair as it looked okay without it.

Staring down at my make up, I added a thin layer of foundation, blusher, mascara and red lipstick to add a splash of colour to the all black outfit.

I finished getting ready, looking in the mirror one last time before grabbing my phone and clutch and making my way downstairs. I still had 10-15 minute to spare so I switched on the TV and began watching The Simpsons, giggling at some parts.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, meaning I had a call so I answered it, expecting to hear Harry on the other side of the phone. Oh how wrong was I?

"Hey Vicky, I heard your going on a date with MY man." Maddie spat down the phone.

"Uh how did you know? And he isn't really-" I began

"I have my ways." I could almost feel her smirking through the phone.

When Maddie wanted something, 9 times out of 10 she always got it no matter what, so I better watch my back. The doorbell rang in the kitchen signalling Harry was here so I quickly hung up on her and made my way to the door, smiling uneasily.

"Hey Harry." I laughed nervously, Maddie's voice replaying in my head.

"Hey babe." He smiled as I stepped outside and locked the door.

This will be an.. Interesting.. Date to say the least.

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