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  • Dedicated to Amy

Vicky's P.O.V

"No." I told him.

"Oh come on Vicky!" He pleaded making me smirk.

Should I just go with him or not? A part of me wanted to throw him out and tell him to stay out, but another part of me wanted to go on that date and maybe get to know the real Harry. Not the cocky, fame hungry dick.

I sighed, "Fine I'll go on a stupid "date." with you."

A smile spread across his face showing his cute little dimples, no Vicky! Stop thinking like that and his eyes began to sparkle. Woah there beautiful. Oh and those lips th-

"I'll pick you up at 7?" He grinned.

I nodded, trying to stop myself from giggling like a twat. I'm not a twat. And with that he was going. I had a funny feeling in my stomach, I felt like a teenager again. Well actually I am a teenager but yeah. I felt like I had butterflies flying around my stomach!

I checked the time on my phone to see it was 1pm. What to do what to do. I sat down infront of the TV to see nothing was on, Then I switched my laptop on, I couldnt really be bothered with facebook, twitter or even tumblr so I switched it off.

I eventully decided to call Victoria to come around. I didn't bother calling Maddy because she'd probably scream at me or something, even though Harry actually asked me, and I said no in the first place. I'm fine thanks.

Around an hour later Victoria comes waltzing through my door. That warm smile she always has on her face showing off her pearly whites. Instantly lighting up the room.

"Hey." I grinned standing up to greet her.

"Hey! What you so happy about I wonder." She winked.

I wiped the smile off my face and lowered my voice a little to sound more.. Normal.

"N.. N.. Nothing." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Tell me!" She urged.

"Okay promise you won't tell Maddy?"


"I'm going on a date with Harry." I blurted.

Her eyes widened and she began to smirk.

"But it means nothing!" I continued.

But does it really mean nothing? Or does it actually mean something.

This is quite rubbish, but bare with me!!! Remember and review :) 

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