Can't take it

961 5 1

(Maddy's POV)

“A kiss?” 

Vicky and Harry had kissed. I couldn't believe it. she kept saying how much she hated him, yet she had kissed him? That was so unfair, I was the one deeply in love with him, I was the one who knew everything about him, I was the one who was supposed to kiss him, and get his number, not Vicky, she didn't care about him. 

“It was just a stupid kiss, it didn't mean anything.”

“A kiss with Harry Styles meant nothing?”

“Urg, could you drop it now?”

“NO! You know how much I like him! You shouldn't have kiss him.”

“It was him who kissed me!”

“OK, Girls! Stop it now, both of you!” Victoria said. “ First, Vicky, if you hate him so much you shouldn't have done it, and it obviously meant something because he gave you his number.”

“Told you” I said.

“And Maddy!, he is a celebrity! A pop star! You couldn't think that he was going to fall in love with you the first time he saw you, you have to be realistic.”

“What? Realistic? Zayn gave you his number and he is also a pop star.” I said.

“Zayn gave you his number?” Vicky asked “Why didn't you tell me? Are you calling him?”

“I didn't tell you because you were too busy hiding from us, and no, I'm not calling him.”


“I've got a boyfriend, Will, remember?”

“Oh, right, let's go have dinner and tell me everything.”

So, she wasn't going to call him, huh?

“I'll be there in a minute, I have to go to the bathroom first.”


I waited til they disappeared downstairs, and I run to the bin and found the little piece of paper that had Harry's number in it, and dialed it.

“Hello?” Oh my God, he answered

“Vicky, is that you?”

What do I do?


C'mon Maddy

“ermm, it's Maddy actually.”

(Harry's POV)



Why the hell was she calling me, I didn't even like her, how did she got my number?

“why were you calling me?”

“erm, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone.”

“Wait!” thinking about it, if I got with Maddy, I'll get closer to Vicky,m she'll get jealous, it was the perfect plan.

“Ermm, do you wanna come around sometime, you know, to watch a movie, something like that?”

(Vicky's POV)

Maddy was taking too long to come downstairs, way too long, what was she up to?

Finally she came in the kitchen where Victoria and I were making pizzas, she looked happy, incredibly happy.

“Maddy... is there anything you want to tell us?”

“Guess who is going on a date tomorrow with Harry.”

Did I hear right, she was going on a date with the gut that had just kissed me, and given me his number?


“Well, as you weren't going to call him, I figured that it'll be OK if I called him.”

“So you though that it was a great idea to take things from my bin?”

“Geez, Vicky calm down, it's not like you like him. You should be happy for me, you said you didn't care about him.”

“of course I don't care!” I didn't care did I?

Change your mind (One Direction story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ