Leave Me Alone

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(Vicky's POV)

“Vicky! I can't believe you've been so rude to someone like him!” Maddy yelled at me when Harry left “and you, Victoria, why didn't you say anything?”

“I was nervous, I mean is thee Harry Styles, at least I didn't act like a psycho!” Victoria said.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

I couldn't help but laugh, those two were like five years old who were arguing over a doll.

“What are you laughing at?” Victoria asked.

“Nothing! I said turning to leave the shop.

“Hey, wait up Missy! You owe us an explanation. Why were you so rude to Harry Styles?”

Can't my friends just drop the subject already?

“I wasn't being rude, I'm just not gonna pretend that I like him when I don't, so you both can be happy fangirls!”

“Now you are being mean.” said Victoria rolling her eyes.

“ugh, and you two are being annoying! Can't you just accept the fact that I don't like him, or any member of the band?”

“OK, but...”

“I don't like that but, Maddy.”

“You have to come with us to the meet 'n greet on Friday”

“What!? Why!?”

“so we don't bother you again with any of our fangirling stuff.”

“Do I really have to?”

“At least do it because seeing Maddy acting like a psycho is hilarious!”

“hahaha, yeah, that actually worth seeing that jerk again.”

“Really? You coming?” asked Maddy.

“Ever heard of sarcasm?”

“OK, then... why don't you like them?”

“No! Stop! I'll go, but you have to promise, that you are not going to ask me about them, talk about them to anything related to them ever, ever! Again.”

“Yay! You're coming! You're coming! You're coming!”


We were all at my place, getting ready for what my friends had called “The best night ever” as for me? It was a night that I wished it ended already.

“So... how was your date?” I asked Victoria.

“It was great, he picked me up, gave me some flowers, and we went to have dinner, it was so romantic!”

“You really like him, don't you?”

“Well... yes.” she said biting her lip. “but I don't know if he feels the same way about me.”

“I'm sure he does, he did a lot of effort, he wouldn't have done it if he didn't feel that way about you.”

“I guess you're right.”

“Girls! How can you be talking about that when we are meeting our husbands in a couple of hours!” Maddy yelled at us.

“Hahaha, it's not like they're going to remember us.” Said Victoria. “They meet tons of fans daily.”

“In that case, we have to make an impression.”

“I don't like the sound of that, Maddy” I said.

“We have to dress nice, so they'll remember us.”

“If we do that then they'll think we are crazy. It's a concert! We should wear something casual, not that dress you're holding.” Said Victoria.

Maddy looked at the dress she had in her hand.


An hour and 50 outfits later we were ready

After the concert:

“OH my God! I can't believe we are meeting One Direction!” Maddy yelled in my ear.

We were waiting for the boys to arrive, it was just us and a couple of other girls, it was really awkward, I felt like I didn't belong there, half of them were crying, and hysteric. I have to admit it, though those boys didn't sound bad, but I still didn't like them.

“And I can't believe that I let you two bring me here.”

“Oh, C'mon, admit you've been having fun.” said Victoria.

The door opened, and five boys entered, Maddy hold my hand and started to squeeze it.

“Maddy, you're hurting me!”


“Hello girls.”

“Hi Harry.” said Maddy.

“I see that you convinced your friend to come.”

God, why did he have to remember us?

“Hahaha, yes, we convinced her.”

“Nice.” He turned to Victoria, “You told me that your favourite was Zayn, right?”

Victoria just nodded.

“Wait a minute.” He left.

“Girls, I'm going outside to make a call.” I told them.


While I left I saw Harry looking at me, but he looked away fast. I didn't care, did I? Why all of a sudden I wanted him to talk to me? He was just a jerk right? A jerk with amazing curly hair, and green eyes, and a husky voice that sent vibes through my spine. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't allow myself to fall for him. I needed to leave soon.

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