illustrating bias

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I've came to the conclusion that 
delusion is not subliminal but presumably bias
and who am I to deny this

I can defy the actuality 
but fuck gravity my feet are planted on solid ground 
I heard you as if you are the only familiar sound

my ears can decipher 
these formulated scowls of disgust

I cannot posses the ability to border my feeling

I'm either knee deep or not 
you can either bitch about being everything less than a man or stop 
who creates imaginary haters just to have a reason to seem relevant 
who seeks me out in my solitude just for the hell of it

To indulge
your ego being escalated 
I am not the plaintiff 
defend ur atrocities as I try not to be what you expect

are you human?
like seriously what the fuck are you really doing?
is your apprehension blinded by an illusion rotten and pigmented with chartreuse? 
does your misogynist incentive gradually reduce?

I prayed to eliminate the pain of bearing the countless echoing of " I'm sorry but the person you called is unavailable "
that faded about 90 days ago
so why drag me back to this burial ground 
this merry go round 
of flickers of memories
when I'm superseded and its ok to be discovered in another
your inappropriate vigilance is nothing but a unequivocal cover

to hide all the demons that lies inside your pride 
I lied when I said that no matter what u do to me I would be by your side 
I have tried but I was shoved aside
I'm the one who cupped your tears 
the only one who could confide 
the tide of vacancy is far greater than the absence that remains after its departure
I am the archer
with no arrows but I can get to the point
love is more than a joint
it was as if my boundaries and desires conjoint
he asked "why they keep coming for us "
my response was "because we're not finish eating even once we reach the crust"
a drop of water and these guys rust
these delusions have transfigured every one of my selfish intents , wavering  "I" to "us"//E.B.

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