dec 16, 2014

31 5 0

Everyday I slowly die within this body.
Everything great in me becomes a pastime.

I hate when people tell me I miss the happy and silly Essence.
And as I look in their eyes I tell them unfortunately I do to.
Because I know how I will look years from now...worser than I do now tired ,skinny,and determined.

I will make ramen noodles apart of my everyday diet as I soak up the knowledge from my college books that I spent all my money on.

I dont believe saving was ever in my vocabulary.
I couldnt save my mother
I couldnt save the positive thoughts.
I couldnt save myself.
And I will most likely not be able to save my wealth.

College will either make or break me and so will my thoughts.
I go through all of the tortures of the day looking forward to pockets of sunshine.
As I discover them at the end of the day they remain empty.

but Alice fell in the rabbit hole to escape reality.
Some day in search for solace so will I .

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