i miss liking

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i miss dating when liking was enough.

when u liked someone so much
that they were the first thing on ur mind
when u woke up
and the last thing on your mind when u went to sleep.

when u rolled over to a text that made a smile spread across ur face like the sun when it rises across every continent on the planet.

when liking was kind
and it was reciprocated.
when everytime u liked someone they almost always liked u back,
and in my case getting a date was never the problem,
and keeping one wasn't either until i grew out of the puppy love stage and stopped accepting any kind of affection that was offered.

i miss when liking someone was all you needed,
now its these invisible collateral lines that separates u from the truth and what ur eyes want u to see.

we selectively perceive the things that make things simple to understand with ease.
i MISS liking when all i had to do was believe
instead of wondering who has it out for me

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