Chapter 8

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I tried moving my arms but screaming pain went through my wrists. I opened my eyes and looked at my hands to see them chained to a cement wall. They had been cut open and were bleeding badly and I could feel the need of blood building up inside of me.

I licked my lips thirsty and jerked around in the chains trying to escape.

"Hello there." A voice said. I looked over to the corner of the room where the werewolf from before was standing. He came over to me standing just out of my reach, teasing me. He had a small cut on his forehead and I could smell it easily. I bared my fangs reaching out trying to get at him.

"No, no my little birdie." I felt something flash against my cheek hard and I yelped. The werewolf was now standing before me in wolf form. The corner of his mouth was turned up in a sly smile. His teeth had blood on them. I leaned backwards sitting back down and licked at my wrists closing up the wounds. There was no way I was going to get all the way over on my cheek though. I was just going to have to bleed out.

The werewolf walked out and a new one in human form replaced him. I could tell by how muscular he looked and he had a certain glow to his eyes. A night creature glow.

"I hope you don't think he's bad because I am much worse." He was holding something behind his back. I didn't want to know what.

Alex's P.O.V

"Do you smell her?" Dark questioned as Jericho walked around in wolf form with his nose on the ground. I watched with my hands on my hips knowing I would be completely useless.

Jericho nodded and I climbed up on his back knowing we would be off again. I could feel the tension in his body as he ran. I rested my head looking over at Dark seeing the worry in his eyes. Everybody was worried for Red. Especially now since we saw blood at the last spot we were at, Red's blood.

I watched as the woods past on by. I was already starting to get accustomed to it considering we had been outside running for three days already. We started zigzagging randomly through the woods still following the path and I wondered why it was going so crazy.

I looked up over Jericho's head to see a large stone barrier around something. The thing was over ten feet tall and thick. Apparently whatever was inside did not want other things inside. It spread off far into the woods where I couldn't see.

"There's no door." Dark said stating the obvious.

"Maybe their's a pass code." I said hopping off of Jericho's back and over to the wall. I knocked on it hurting my knuckles.

"Long live Little Red and Shadow." Jericho's voice came from behind me. I looked at the wall and it started splitting into two creaking and moving. "I'll explain later." Jericho said hurrying off into the large village in front of us.

Jericho's P.O.V.

After opening the door I knew exactly where I needed to go. I had been here once when I was younger and I knew where everything was. Of course the buildings had changed growing more complex and safer, but the torture chamber would always stay the same. It was the place where they took random stray night creatures that didn't want to cooperate.

I felt something yank at my heart and I stopped completely. Dark stopped by my side with Alex on his back.

"What's wrong?" Dark asked panic filling his eyes. I could feel pain coursing through my body. Not a small pain but a lot. Deathly pain.

I changed and started sprinting off leaving the other two behind. I didn't look at the night creatures on the streets that were watching me as I passed I just continued running. I ran into the deepest part of the village and into a large house causing the door to break completely. I ran through the house until I came to a basement door. I busted through and ran down the stairs to see a person standing over Red's bloody body. She looked close to death. I growled as I went after the guy that had caused her pain.

Red's P.O.V.

"We know vampires have been trying to infiltrate our village. Their greedy as ever. Now they send us a girl that looks so much like little red with a look a like hood on. Don't worry we've put it away safely." The guy said with a smirk as he cut my side. I was loosing so much blood by all the cuts he put in me, and that was all I could think about. Blood. Blood.

The door busted open and a wolf pounded into the room. I knew that wolf from somewhere. It wouldn't come to my mind though. I lay on the ground helpless. My arms had been released but I didn't have enough in me to do anything. I whimpered as more blood spattered the room. It was all I wanted but I didn't have enough in me to get it.

My vision was starting to grow fuzzy as something lifted me up. I looked up at a face, an angelic face. I couldn't help but smile.

"Am I dead?" I managed to choke out. The angel shook his head no tears streaming down from his eyes. I looked at him confused as I felt something press against my mouth forcing me to open it.

"I don't want an angel's blood. That's greedy of me." I said before going into a coughing fit. My body was denying itself. It no longer wanted to work. I closed my eyes just wanting to be okay with the angel. I didn't want it to cry.

I felt something tingly spread throughout my whole body sending electric sparks through it before my body started very slowly warming up. I knew those two feelings from somewhere.

"Please be okay." I heard the angel say between cries, but it wasn't an angel. I knew this person.

My eyelids felt heavy as ever but I opened them to see Jericho looking down at me tears streaming down his face. I smiled at him as his blood rushed down my throat. I bit my tongue and before taking any more of his in I put a little of my blood in. Now he would always be mine, even if we were already soul mates.

Dark pulled Jericho away from me after a while. I leaned back on the floor feeling well and warm. My naked body was completely bloody and hurt.

I started breaking down into tears at the thought of what happened while I hadn't been awake. When the werewolf had been beating me I had been blanking out and I couldn't recollect everything. All I could remember was the thirst and the pain.

Jericho's arms wrapped around me as he kissed my lips gently letting the electric go through my body. He pulled away and wiped the tears from my eyes resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you Red." He said kissing my nose. I smiled my heart starting to beat a mile a minute.

"I love you too." He smiled back at me before his eyes started getting droopier. I had taken to much blood from him and he needed rest.

"Here let me help." Alex said putting her head under Jericho's arm and helping him up. "Just show me the way." Jericho nodded and pointed towards the door where a slight light was streaming through.

I felt a shirt slip around my body and I pulled my arms through as Dark scooped me up in his arms and started following. I snuggled my head against his chest trying to get comfortable. Now that I knew Jericho had felt it to everything was looking up.


So apparently I was able to get the next chapter up!  Woot woot!  I guess you can thank the rain for making me not have a game today or else I would still be outside playing right now and probably wouldn't be back home till late:0 .   Oh yes, and also thank this babaay of a person I know for having to work forever so I don't get to play xbox live with him.  If he was home I'm sorry to say but I probably would've just skipped out on writing a chapter.  Haha sorry not something to tell your fans but let's keep this one on the down low.  You know you love me though because I update so very often!  No sarcasm!

Story Review ?'s to make you think about:

Did anything else happen to Red while she was blanking out?  Any words said that may be important?

What does the secret code to get into the village supposed to mean?

Jericho still hasn't told Red about their grandparents:O 

Oh my bajeezus!  Make sure to vote.Comment.Fan!!!  I'd really like to know what you readers think about my story.  I'd like to give a little shout out to Micshie Lynn for commenting and voting on everything!  Yeah I'm talking about you:)  Oh and also read the story by Micshie Lynn called Dreamer!  It's really amazing and I'd bet you guys would l♥ve it!

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