Chapter 13

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We all sat in the middle of the town silently, unsure of what to say.  The little girl and boy sat together behind me.  For some reason I was the only one they trusted, but I did save their lives.

"Miss."  The little girl said, breaking the silence, as she tugged on my cloak with her little hand.  I slowly turned around to face the two wondering what they needed.  When I came to actually look at them I saw tears of loss and pain trailing down their cheeks as they treid to hide their feelings.

"Come here."  I said opening my arms and pulling the two kids into them.  They weeped from the loss as I held onto them tightly and rubbed their backs trying to soothe them as I made 'oooh" sounds.  They slowly started quieting down and I could hear the others whispering behind me, their eyes all on me.

"Do you want me to try to bring them to bed?"  Alex asked from behind me.  So that had been what they were talking about.  She had a younger sister herself so it might be possible for her to do it.  You can always find ur way around kids if you know how to do it right.

I eased the two kids away from me a little bit so that I could look them in the eyes.  They looked back at me with their large eyes and I could see the hurt and fear potrayed behind them.

"Do you guys think you can go with Alex to bed?"  They needed sleep, too much worry was on them and was making them weak.  "I promise she won't hurt you.  She's my friend."  I placed my hand on Alex's shoulder showing them that she wasn't going to try to hurt ne.  They nodded and Alex extended her hands.  They slowly reached out and theirs intertwined with hers.  They slowly walked away glancing over their shoulder every so often to look at me and I smiled at them and waved goodbye.

"This place isn't safe.  People are getting curious."  I stated as soon as they were out of hearings reach.  I didn't want to worry the little kids.  The three dead bodies were laying less than a hundred yards from us and their faces would stay in my mind forever.

"Then we'll just have to work faster.  The walls will go up first, I'll help."  Jericho said as he moved closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.  Tingles shot through my body and I looked into his eyes as he gazed down at me.

"Let's not get gushy here."  Dark said pulling me away from the moment.  I knew that as long as Jericho was around I was safe, and I would do the same for him.

"So there is going to be a new change of plans?"  I questioned trying to get my head screwed back on straight.  Things just kept changing lately.  Nothing ever seemed to be staying the same. 

"We'll all help out on the wall, except for Alex and you.."  Jericho started.

"Just because we're girls doesn't mean we can't do things."  I interjected trying to say it in a calmer voice than I did.

"I know but the two children only trust you fully, and Alex needs to get meat for us.  She is only human remember."  Jericho explained. 

"Can I at least do something a little more that the kids can do also?"  I questioned feeling bad for not letting Jericho explain earlier. 

"You have to stay by Alex then."  Lucifer said staring me down.  I nodded letting him know I would take good care of her.  If I let her get hurt I knew Lucifer would never fully forgive me. 

"Why don't you heard animals in so that we can use them for meat.  They'll come to the water to start with anyways."  Dark said blandly.  I looked over at him as he stared at me blankly.  I knew that look.

"Please don't tell me you miss your sister."  I said groaning.  Dark shrugged and looked away.

"You miss your sister and you know it."  Dark said staring me hard in the eye with a satisfied look on his face.  He thinks he has me.. thinks.

"Yeah, but my sister doesn't treat me and everybody else like her prey."   He smiled and nodded as he stood up brushing off his legs.  He headed off in a direction to probably go think about his sister. 

"They want you to go say goodnight."  Alex said as she sat down next to Lucifer.

"Okay."  I gave Jericho a quick peck on the cheek and headed off to a little tree barrier that only a creature of the night could get over.  I climbed over it and hopped in to see the two snuggled together on the ground.  Their eyes were already fluttering shut as I heard a familiar rythem of feet hittng the ground.  1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4.  They stopped, then Jericho's arms were wrapped around my waist as he stood behind me. 

"Shh.."  I whispered into the night air.  The two kids were already asleep.  Jericho squeezed me tightly and from the corner of my eye I could see him looking down at the two children.

"I never knew we would have kids this fast."  He whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine.  I nudged him and thought about what life would be like if we were normal humans, how things would be so different.  I could imagine myself walking around in my 20s with a large bump in my stomach.  All the little town kids would come up to it and rub it just waiting to feel the kick.  Then they would run away giggling, heding back to go to their class.  Jericho would usher all his students back into class, then come approach me as all of them stared out the windows waiting for a kiss.  He would kiss me gently on the cheek and we would head inside to the classroom to tell the kids a favorite story.  The story of Little Red Riding Hood and how she got eaten by a wolf.  Not a werewolf, just a wolf.  A wolf that tricked her and took all her goodies.  The kids would feel sad so we would tell them how I myself was a descendant of her, how she married a plain man before she died, but it was only for  a short period of time.  They just weren't right for each other.

"Head in the clouds?"  Jericho questioned pulling me from my thoughts.  Right, that was only a dream, it would never come true. I turned around to face Jericho and smiled at him as I hugged him back.  It doesn't matter if that dream won't come true, as long as I'm with Jericho.


The whole next week went smoothly with no interruptions, and the town was coming along nicely.  The walls and the main house were built, more homes were being made, fields for crops and animals were set up, and a lookout post was set up by the large wooden door to see if anybody wanted to enter.

"Somebody is here."  Lucifer's words drifted through the air and I headed over the way of the looking post to see.  I hurried over afraid of what I was going to see as I climbed up the steep post, Dark right beside me.  I looked over the side seeing stunning eyes looking up at me.  Eyes like my own and bright blue ones.



Dark and I said their names at the same time.


So sorry I haven't posted in forever!!  I've had so much stuff going on between school, field hockey, dance, boys, my dog:(, etc.   So I finally got this chapter up and I'm going to start working on the next one immediatly because I'm getting horribly bad at posting chapters lately.  The next chapter WILL be out this Friday if not sooner.  I promise I'll work super hard to fit into my busy schudule!  Sorry once again!

Book time!

Wth?? Sapphire and Night?? Ummm????????  Thoughts?

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