Chapter 11

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Evan came out with our food a little bit later, and he smiled down at me with pure joy. 

    “I’m very happy for you.  This is on me.”  He placed a glass of blood in front of me and I licked my lips just imagining the taste of it.  The people around here were so welcoming.  He left with no sound, but yet I still heard a sound.  A short of scuffling.

    “I’m so sorry I’m late.”  My grandma said popping up out of nowhere.  I knew I had heard something. 

    “What do you mean?”  I questioned thinking it was just a little bit odd for her to pop up out of nowhere and pounce on us just like that.  She didn’t answer me, but instead hurried over to Jericho handing him something.  She smiled at me and then was off.

    “This is to show you how much I care for you.”  He gently grabbed my hand from across the small table and slipped something on my finger.  “It’s called a ring we decided.  The first one ever made.  Like this at least.”  I looked down at it with wide eyes.  I had never seen anything like it.  Two hearts held it together and it was completely silver. 

    “It’s beautiful.”  I whispered unable to find my voice.  I knew beautiful wouldn’t sum up how I really felt about the ring, but it was all I was able to say. 

    “Not as beautiful as you my love.”  I smiled as blood rushed to my cheeks.


    “I can’t believe you’re getting married before me.”  Dark said crossing his arms.  I guess sometimes you could tell he was gay. 

    “I know but it’s not going to be easy.  It’s hard enough just getting an arranged marriage with another vampire when they just seem to pop up out of nowhere.”  We were sprawled out in a garden looking up at the stars above us.  We had asked for some alone time together because Dark had lived with my parents long enough to know them. 

    “You want your family to be there, but they’re definitely not going to allow it.  We can’t tell them about here either, they’ll never except it.  Possibly ending up bringing the whole town down if they did.” 

    “But it’s perfect!  We don’t have to worry about hiding our age, and look at everything they’ve made.  It’s beautiful here.”  I argued as I twisted my ring on my finger thinking about what Jericho would say.  My parents absolutely hated werewolves, and look here I am getting married to one. 

    “You guys just have to remember that you’re soul mates and everything will work out.”  Dark said turning his head to look at me.  I turned my own looking into his eyes.  He was right, somehow this would just all work out. 

    “Do you think I should ask Jericho to come here now?”  I asked.  We wanted to discuss some things first before we brought Jericho into the conversation.  A little mean, but we all understood considering the circumstances.

    “No smooching behind any trees now.”  Dark said chuckling to himself as I started hurrying off to where I was in Jericho’s hearing.

    “You can come over now.”  I said as if I was speaking to somebody right in front of me.  I heard feet pounding and then Jericho was standing beside me in wolf form looking up at me.  He rubbed his head against my side and I rubbed my fingers in between his ears.  We walked slowly back over to Dark feeling worry rise over us.  Jericho turned back into his human form and wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him as we sat up and looked down at Dark.

    “I just had an idea.”  Dark said popping up and almost smacking me in the head with his own.  I stared at him blankly waiting for him to continue.

    “You guys start your own place like this!  You build your own little mini town first, then go tell your parents about your marriage.  I’ll work on a place where you guys can get married at the time because obviously I’m the wedding planner.  They’re not going to like it but show them what you have.  If they destroy it, it will be small and this place will still be protected.”  Dark looked back and forth between us quickly waiting for a response.

    “I think it’s a pretty good idea.”  Jericho said and I could feel his body move slightly as he shrugged.

    “If he’s fine with it I am.  Jericho, how is your family going to be though, about this?”  I had been thinking about my family the whole time.

    “They’ll get over it.”  Jericho said with a chuckle as he nibbled on my ear sending sparks through my body.  I swatted at his face trying to push him away, but that only turned into him tickling me.  I giggled as I thrashed out my body trying to escape from his hands. 

    I heard Dark mutter something about love before walking off leaving us alone in the garden. 

    Jericho hovered over my body holding himself up as he looked down into my eyes.  “You’re weird.”  I said grabbing at his cheeks and pulling them out forcing him to smile even though he already was.

    “Treating me like your little sister eh?”  Jericho asked.  My heart skipped a beat inside me as I thought about Night probably waiting every night to see me.  I sat up forcing Jericho to move away from me as I put my face into my hands.  She probably missed me so much.  I always looked out for her and I was her favorite in the family.

    “We have to get this done before her birthday.  I promised her I’d be back for it.”  I said staring him hard in the eyes.  That was a promise I did not want to break. 

    “She means a lot to you?”

    “Yes, even though we don’t have the bond that me and you do I feel like I have to watch over her for her whole life.  I constantly protect her, not like I’m always at my own house, but still I protect her from afar.  Sometimes she doesn’t even know but I do.”

    “I understand.”  Jericho said pushing some hair from my face.  “I have a kid in my pack I’m supposed to watch over.  The older kids always look over the younger ones.”

    “Well you’re the guy so you’re obligated to watch over me.”  I said teasing him trying to pull away from the subject.  I didn’t want to live the next two months and several days living over regret that I couldn’t be there for my sister right now. I had to have fun so I could go back and tell her amazing stories that she would sit there wide eyed and amused over. 

    “I always will my love.”  He kissed me gently on the forehead as we stood up and headed back to the cottage to go to bed


So there is the next chapter!! Sorry they've been so short and not so updated lately but I'll try to write a super long one for you tomorrow!:)  And yes I know this chapter was pretty damn boring, but just wanted to get their plans out and when they're expecting them to be done by. 

My Life (if you're interested):  Hung out with my boyfriend today:)  Talk about magical.  We snuggled and played xbox together which he adores me for because we can be cute, competetive, and cuddly at the same time.  Most girls don't play xbox either.  So yeah.  Highlight of my day right there:)

Story time: 

How do you think Night is doing at home?

What do you think is happening at home?

How do you think Red's parents will react to the news??

OH JEEZ!  haha.. so vote and all that jimjam stuff.  It sucks when I have to say it everytime so.. I'm going to shorten it to do you JAMMING!  (meaning vote,comment, etc.)  yah yah yah!  Next chapter:tomorrow!

Little Red Riding Hoods GranddaughterWhere stories live. Discover now