Chapter 12

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“Bye grandma!”  I  called out as I headed out of the town.  She waved goodbye to me as the wall closed on itself, a mystery to everybody.  Jericho squeezed  my hand as he waved goodbye to his grandfather with the other.

    “Where are we going now?”  Alex questioned as she pulled herself up on Lucifer’s back getting ready to go.

    “I have a map.  I know the perfect spot.”  Lucifer said and handed it to Jericho.  I looked at it seeing that it went far and wide to places unexplored.  One place was circled, much smaller than the other towns, but big enough to hold a decent amount of people.  I twas by a river which would bring good prey and was far enough from the other towns so that we would not be found.  It was deep in the woods which would make for a good lumber to build.

    I scanned across the map until my eyes rested on my town.  It was so much smaller than any of the other towns.  There was only one other town that I didn’t really know about.  It was huge though, taking up most of the map.

    “Vampires.”  Jericho said shaking his head as he looked down at the same place I had been.  He put the map away in a little knapsack the image already ingrained into our heads.  He turned into a werewolf and the knapsack along with everything else just disappeared into thin air.

    “It goes into a different dimension.”  Lucifer said as if reading my mind.  “It’s like another world, but nobody else can touch it besides him.  If he wanted to he could give you his things right now.”  I bit my lip not understanding what he was trying to say.

    “Simpler silly.”  Alex said with a laugh.  “It’s like putting his stuff away into a closet only he can access.”  Now that made a whole lot more sense.

    “Werewolves are so complicated.”  Dark said rubbing his temples.  We all laughed as we started running.  I started going over the plans in my head.

    “You guys will build the houses.”  I said looking at the guys in the group four days later when we finally safely made it to our destination.  “Alex will farm and I’ll find large stones to build up the wall.  First though you guys will help Alex turn over the land while I make a line showing the outskirts of the town.  You guys can take any trees from the inside of the outskirts to use for the housing.  I’ll try to get the outskirts done today, plus another row of stones on top.  Alex you start making fish before the sun sets.”  I said letting my breath out after speaking all of that without breathing.

    “But I’m the only one that eats.”  Alex said looking between us.  

    “We’ll all eat as long as you don’t cook ours.”  Jericho stated.  He gave me a quick peck on the lips before hurrying off to go start up on his work.  I watched him go a smile spread on my face knowing I could see him later.

    I started heading off towards the water hoping to find solid rocks that I could use for the wall.  I slowly walked along enjoying the nice day and the slight breeze that ruffled my cloak and dress around me.  Today seemed like it was going to be a nice day, but at the same time I was feeling like it wasn’t.  

     A piercing shriek hit the air and I ran off towards the sound.  Near the water lay a woman, her throat slashed open.  Blood came from her wound, she was a vampire, I could smell it in her blood.  I walked over to her dead body and closed her eyelids.  This wasn’t the first time I had seen death.  I had brought death before, a horror I would never get out of my mind.

    “Don’t touch her!”  A young voice yelled and I turned my head to see a child around the age of my sister.  Behind the little boy was a girl.  They both had curly strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes that shone brightly.  The same color of the woman’s I had just closed.

    “I’m not going to hurt her or either of you.”  I said sitting down on my butt.  I had learned that you were less in intimidating to kids if you were their height.

    “Watch out!”  The little girl shrieked as I lay flat on the ground quickly as an arrow zoomed just over my face, centimeters from my nose.

    I heard the sound of the bow pull back again, but from a different spot.  There was two and this one was not aiming for me.  I quickly stood up and ran towards the two kids, knocking them to the ground.  The arrow moved past us without doing any damage.  

    “Follow the stream up, run as fast as you can until you find a boy with the darkest hair you’ve ever seen.”  The two ran off quickly listening to my words and I jumped into clear view of the attackers.

    “Come at me.”  I whispered under my breath.  I ducked to the side as two arrows came at me, missing me entirely.  One person appeared than the other both holding large knives.  Probably what they slit the woman’s throat with.  They were only human though and I wondered how the woman didn’t manage to kill them.  That was exactly what needed to happen, they knew our secret.  

    “What are you?”  One questioned still not having a name for us.  

    “Your worst nightmare.”  I said between my teeth before running at one.  I was only a blur to them.  I took hios knife and cut his throat before going at the other and snapping his neck in my arms.  They both died fast and painlessly.  Their bodies hit the ground at the same time and I sighed knowing now I had more death on my hands.

    “What the..”  Dark said approaching me. He looked down at the three dead bodies around me then rose a questioning brow.

    “They killed her not me, but people are getting suspicious.”  I said closing the eyelids of the two men, and trying to make them look less mangled.  

    I let out a sigh.  “I hate killing.”


Oh jeezus!  So sorry I haven't posted in forever!  I know I promised to post this chapter like a while ago and I haven't in forever!  Bad me.. I know.  I've just been so busy lately with school, advanced classes, field hockey, new boyfriend, friends, home life.  What really sucks is that I'm not going to be able to post until next week like monday, tuesday ish.  I already started writing the next chapter though so I might be able to post it tonight or tomorrow morning possibly, but otherwise :(.  Sheesh I'm turning into one of those people that never post. 

Okay story book time!!

People are out exploring, whattt?  Never did humans do that.

Do you think that the humans know something weird is amongst them?

What's your thoughts about these two new kids joining them, do they have any potential in helping them?  Any information that could help them? 

Next chapter soon hopefully!

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