A Peaceful Dream of FlashBacks

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Eric was next to Ian on the floor, unmoving. He didn't quiver or twitch. He felt peaceful from a long time. He was still very tired. He gotten cold and snuggled closer to Ian. Ian seemed to feel Eric and put his arm around him. Eric smiled. Now, he had proof to FredBear that he loves him.
Eric, this won't change anything. He just moved and that's all. You can't just-
Eric fell asleep. He blocked out FredBear this time. In his dream, he was sitting next to Ian and their mother. They sat on a bench, looking at water glitter by the sun. His father wasn't there. He actually felt like his dad shouldn't be there anyway.
He held the hands of Ian and their mother. It seemed so peaceful. A goose swam across the lake, making ripples behind it. It was so nice. His mother's brown hair was in a messed ponytail. She came closer to her sons. She loved them to death.
"I love you guys," She said. Then, she disappeared away from them. Now, Ian and Eric were hugging. Eric could hear his older brother breaths unsteady. What was going on? Now he remembered. He must be remembering of their mother's death. Death by a car accident. Their father was in there with her. He didn't help her. He made it happen.
Eric started to shed tears. Then, his dream gotten brighter now. Bright, but soft, colors drifted from every direction. It was so peaceful. He found himself with Ian again. This time, they were in a tent which Ian set up. He remembered this day. In the summer, they would camp out in their back yard. They had sleeping bags and everything. They even had extra flashlights just in case they wanted to do shadow puppets. Ian would always make a bear and a rabbit shadow. He would call them Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie.

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