Safety at Last

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Eric and Roseanne both ran to the parking lot and his behind a wall of the building. They stopped and they're breathing was heavy.
"Thank for getting me out of that mess," Roseanne panted. Her pig tails were now tangled from running. Eric looked out and they're were the only ones out there.
"Did they follow us?" Roseanne asked. Eric shook is head. Roseanne took a reliving sigh and leaned against the brick wall. She dusted off her skirt and her shirt. Eric leaned against the wall too.
"Is one your brother?" Roseanne asked.
"Yeah. The one with the red shirt is my brother," Eric said.
"The one with the yellow shirt is my brother," Roseanne said. "His name is Dan."
"My brother's name is Ian," Eric said. His breathing was slowed by now.
"Does he treat you like this? Always hurting you?" Roseanne asked. Her eyes sparked with curiosity.
"Not all the time," Eric said. "He sometimes treat me like a brother. The other side is what you've seen now."
"Dan always treats me like this. He doesn't think I have feelings," Roseanne said.
"Really?" Eric asked.
"Probably because he doesn't care."
"That's really selfish of him."
"I know."
"Why don't you do something about it?"
"Because my mom doesn't think for me. She only thinks for him."

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