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Chantal,Victor,Lydia,Jenna,Taylor,the pizza guy,Nathan,Rylie, and so much more people murdered on Bata's Campus. So many lives taken away from the young adults,teenagers,anyone.All caused by only one person.

The clowns were almost like Hitler. One persons idea to have a group of people kill everyone.

This one person left a mysterious note for all the sisters. Saying that these unknown clowns are leaving Campus because something worse was coming.

But what could be worse than these serial killers?If they were afraid of what was coming to the school,that just means the sorority should be even more afraid.

"Why don't we just leave this school?I mean,why are we even still here?Its like we are waiting to get murdered!" Ross questioned the petite brunette that just approached her bed. "I want to drop out of this school,I really do but I also want to know who or what's coming to the school.I want to know who these clowns who've been making these years a living hell for us. I can't just leave and run away from my problems and school with out knowing who is behind all this." Laura admits.
But a few days later, the sorority receives some shocking news.

"You can't do this to us!It isn't fair!" Mary screamed as the head minister ignored and walked away from her.
"Kate,what are you hiding from us?"
Did I mention that it's a new school year for the girls and whole school?

Yup,sophomore year of college means more beginning of the year parties. Parties. Where it all started. Chantal's death was last year at a party. New people at school. New everything.
"Mary,these girls won't last any longer if you keep this up. You need to shut this sorority down. They're turning into sorority Pyscho's."
"Laura,I love you but...these people won't let us be together or else they'll hurt you. And I can't afford to lose you after I lost my mom. I'm sorry,"

How was the description?I'm really excited for this and it's going to be amazing I can assure you! Add this book to your reading list/library and let the fun shit begin.

New characters!!! Comment if you want to be in the story. I'll need more since I'm a bitch and I'm going to kill off a lot of characters hehe.

I love you!


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