New mysteries

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"Who was it from?" Ross questioned, looking over my shoulder. I quickly shut my phone off before he had the chance to notice it was from his mother, dead mother.

"Visiting hours are over in a few," Our nurse assures us as she covers Stormie's body up. That was the last of her. 

"C-can I have a moment alone with her?" Ross looks at his Dad who always had a smile on his face just slowly nods before saying a quiet I love you to his wife and walking out; Mat and my mother trail behind him.

"I'll wait outside," I tell him. "You,stay."

I really wanted to go out and invest this message but I had to be here for Ross. He needs me the most right now.

"Okay," I briefly say as I get on the opposite side from him next to his mom. 

"You can't seriously be mad at me for thinking Grant is being very suspicious right now, you can't tell me I'm wrong Jackey," I say as she walks out to the living room where everyone else was. "I don't care Mary, he's my brother and he wouldn't do that."

"You barely know him."

"So what? You barely know Caleb, he's the brother of a psycho path and he's living in our basement. And you're targeting Grant?!" Jackey fired back.

"Well she does have a point," Avery mumbled. "That's false, we already figured out that Kate faked the whole diary remember? And I'm not targeting him, it just makes sense that he'd be responsible for this. Not only that but he's dating Rose, one of Jenna's minions."

"Oh?Just like you thought Ross was the killer made sense?"

"Just because he's dating Laura doesn't mean he's not the killer,"

"Just because you dated Nathan doesn't mean he's not the killer," Jackey replied. Kaitlyn and Svenja gasps. "You did not just go there,"

"Guys, let's all calm down before this gets out of hand, more than it needs to be." Daphney tells us.

"But Jackey has a point, after I got out of the hospital a few years ago, they took away my memory from that place because I would have nightmares. The thing was, they took too much of it. Sometimes at night I do things and the next morning I wouldn't remember. What if I've done horrible things and never remember?" Caleb explained. I frowned. "How come you never told me this?!"

"Did you just admit to being the killer?!" Kaitlyn gasps. Caleb rolls his eyes. "No..."

"Mary! Are you not hearing this? He does bad things in his sleep," Daphney says. "Yeah but the killer kills in daytime too," I fired back. 

"He could be taking a nap,"

"Could, couldn't. Either way, he's not the killer."

"Why are you defending him?After everything he's done to us."

"I'm not!" I practically yell. "I'm not defending him, it's the truth. We found out the diary was fake and we have to start all of our research over, back to square one."

It pisses me off that this happened. The diary we found in the warehouse, it had all the answers-or so we thought. Everything had added up until we found out about Kate and Caleb.

"Laura's calling again. She must have found out something." Jackey cuts in. I nod as she answers it and we all stay silent. "Wait slow down Laur, why are you cry-um yeah, Mary's right here." Jackey spoke into the phone. "She needs to tell you something,"

She hands me the phone and as soon as it's up to my ear, I hear quiet sobbing on the other line. "are you okay Laura?"

"No, no I'm not. The clowns are targeting my relationship with Ross." She cried. I sighed. "They've been targeting all of ours and everything. What else is new?"

I know I sounded a bit harsh right now but we are all in a really bad state and I don't need her calling me about her relationship problems with Ross. I mean, at least her boyfriend isn't dead...yet.

I could feel her rolling her eyes at me. "I got a text from Ross's mothers number, saying that if I don't break up with him they are going to kill everyone I love, even Ross."

"But his mother died..?"

"Exactly, she was laying right in front of me when I got the text. I can't break up with him when Ross needs me the most. He already lost his mother and now he's going to lose me too!"

I take in a deep breath. "Come home tonight, you need to get away from that town."

"Mary, my parents are expecting me to stay for a while, I just go here."

"Okay, well do what you have to do. Risk one life or everyone's life" Was what I tell her before hanging up.

"Ross?" I tried my best not to make my hysterical crying unnoticeable. We were at a motel we rented for a few nights. He was laying in bed,staring at the ceiling. "hey," he smiles at me, and no, it didn't reach his eyes nor did I see any dimples. I try my best to return his smile. "Are you okay?"

No,not really.
I can't do this.
Not to him.
I'm just going to have to leave in a different way.

"Uh yeah, are you?" I was careful with how my words were spoken. He nods. "Now that you're here, yes."

I gulp and get into bed next to him. "We should go to sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow." I assure him. And a long night for me.

After he makes sures I'm in his embrace, he is barley sleeping.

I wait a few minutes until he's out like a light before I get out of the bed and take all my things.

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