Lights out

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"Kate!Just stop!We all know that you are the killer,stop with the denial,"Svenja claimed,carefully watching as Caleb brought the knife up to his chest. "But am I? That's not enough evidence to prove anything," Kate says while walking away from us. "Don't you dare walk away from us," I spoke.

Kate turned around and looked me dead in the eye and sarcastically laughed. "It's not me,who you should be afraid of Mary. Just wait."

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Look Ross, I'm sooooryy that I kept this s secret from you but you aren't focusing on the main subject here," Laura told me. I rolled my eyes. "We promised each other no more secrets, I thought everything was going fine," I stated.

She gave me a crazy look. "Fine? Fine?!Ross there is a serial killer picking everyone off like a grape and killing people for fun if you haven't noticed! How could everything be fine?!" She practically yelled.

My eyes widened at her sudden out burst, I wanted to support my claim but I decided to not say anything else to get her mad and stressed.

"Okay, you're right I'm sorry. We need a plan, to go back to campus with out who ever may be following us know," I whisper the last part to her.

She sighed and grabbed my hand.

"Don't be sorry, it's just that I'm so tired by all of this, all of us are and I have had it. We couldn't even visit our family with out someone following us." She looks at me. "And besides I'm on my period," she mumbled, trying to lighten the mood a bit. I chuckled. "Okay,"

"But it's late so we should get some rest" I tell her while getting up. "Are we staying here or do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked her.

Laura yawned and laid down on her bed. "I think this house is the safest place for me in this world now,"

I nodded as she then looked up at me. "No, I take that back." She spoke, I gave her a confused look. "I fake it back,this house isn't the safest place I have. You are Ross. You are my safe haven," she whispered. I smiled down at her.

"I would say that I love you but the world love is such a weak word to explain the strong feelings I have for you," I tell her.

And then her eyes twinkled. Seriously, there was so proper way to explain my affectionate feelings for Laura.

"I feel the same way about you Ross," she confirmed. We then found ourself leaning in until we heard a gunshot from down stairs.

Our heads snapped towards the door while our eyes widened as we ran downstairs.

"What happened?!"Me and Laura both yelled as we saw both of our parents all standing in the living room, frozen as if they just saw a ghost.

"Kids go back upstairs," Laura's mother whispered. "Mom, who's hurt? What was that?" Laura asked.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask my parents.

"Someone is in the house," Matt whispered. "We came over here to have a few drinks and talk with Laura's parents," My dad told me. "Now you too go back upstairs and call 911, we got this," He said. "What no!" I whispered back. "What if something happens?"

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