Chapter Two

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There was an awkward silence between the two north American brothers. Canada walked up to the machine, and turned to America.

"The usual with a grannie B. Cookie?" He asked.

A water bottle fell out of the opening of a vending machine as America stared at him with disgust, "Why the hell would I want something so disgusting and processed. Do you not realize how much calories those things hold?"

Canada put his hands up," N-No sorry....I didn't know you were on a diet-"

America cut him off sharply," I never said I was did I?"

"N-No...I guess not." He stuttered out.

America looked at him and swallowed some water before some voices were becoming clearer twoof the three countries to show up late carelessly were the Italy brothers.

"Ve....fratello I-a told you the time was earlier, Germany will-a for sure scold me!" Spoke Italy with an exasperated sigh.

Romano rolled his eyes, "Whatever it's the fatass whose running it today, so it's fine."

"Romano! America is standing over there!" Squeaked Italy.

Romano stared at him and rolled his eyes before waving Italy off, " It's not-a like he cares-"

"You two took your time getting here." America purposely spoke up in a serious tone.

Canada looked frazzled, "A-America..."

Romano scoffed, "We didn't feel like getting up at-a the time that was set for your fucking meeting, does that-a count for an answer?"

Alfred stood up and walked slowly towards them he gripped the water bottle tightly and pushed up his glasses that shined from the light of the hallway, his dress shoes clicking on the floor. "The time was made for specifically that time. If you can't handle something simple as waking up early and being on time to a meeting I'm holding, then I don't think I should waste my time having you here just to have you give some pathetic opinion. Should you choose to come in you will be refrained from speaking or giving comments. You are voided of that right." He chided in a cold voice that seemed calm yet chilling. Even Canada could feel chills.

Italy looked as if he were going to cry much like his brother, Romano grit his teeth and cursed at America before shouting, "I take your words as an insult! Until you apologize I-a will not come to any meetings held by a bastardo like you!"

As the elder brother marched off, Feliciano tried to go after his brother, feeling hurt at America's words mixed with slight fear. Something different.

Canada marched up to America and gripped his shoulder tightly, "What are you doing!? Do you realize that getting into a grudge match with Italy isn't the smartest thing to be doing!?"

America looked over his shoulder, some hair hid his eyes making a dark shadow cast over them as he answered bluntly, " That's good. Less incompetent idiots, the smoother things go. Besides, I've been meaning to take care of some business with them anyways."

Canada slowly let hid hand slide off his brothers shoulder before America turned and walked away down the hall, his retreating back was something that greatly worried Canada because of one fact, the man before him.....was not his was someone else entirely....

After entering the room he noticed Russia was talking with the others, The third person of the three missing to show up, late. America stared at him his mind reeling slowly.

Honestly the man was just a total asshole to begin with. The hatred between another would never change....but it could evolve if he's not careful in using his tactics precisely at the right times.

China nodded to America as if saying "there he is".

The tall Russian turned slowly, in a dressed suit, with that same faded white scarf that was made poorly.

His fake smile that would usually make America feel sluggish, couldn't match to the acid Smile America gave to the Russian making him pause.

"America, you seem to be in bad mood?" He asked confused.

America clicked his tongue speaking clearly. " You're pretty good at guessing. But don't worry I just finished taking care of some unimportant matters," he looked around and noticed everyone was back in the room on time, Canada walked in and closed the door gently before America spoke up, " I've decided on a new rule that will be taken into effect as of today."

Everyone looked to each other confused before Alfred gripped Russia's scarf which was asking for it. But his eyes looked dark and sharp.

"Anyone who is late to meetings held in my place, will be excluded from it. So as of today Russia, you are no longer welcomed in get the hell out, you coward." He sharply hissed the last part before tugging hard on the scarf causing it to tear loudly.

It was said that you could feel the room get fifty degrees colder. The Russian looked as if he were about to lose it while other countries were yelling at him.

Russia stared at him darkly before he muttered out in a low voice, "Be ready....for war....America."

America smiled darkly and grinned a toothy smile that didn't look normal to the others. " Too bad. I've already Won the war. Watch your back big nose...."

Russia matched out and grabbed onto his three Baltics slamming the door shut. England shouted out, "That was completely uncalled for America! How dare you do such a thing!? That is not the way I raised-,"

America turned to face him, "You may have found me as a colony, but I grew up raising myself. So don't boast like you are some great parent." He shrewdly answered, a sharp and painful answer that made England grit his teeth and rush out of the conference room.

America looked around the room and narrowed his eyes, "No....not three or four......everyone. Everyone is banished from American soil. Take your things and get the hell off my land. You have twenty four hours....after that....I could care less what could happen...."

Canada stared at him in shock while Francis growled, "America you are getting out of line!"

America slowly turned to face them with a darkened expression, " I'm only making your requests....a true reality that is beyond hell......"

(SO sorry for the delay, I have an honest excuse I was moving during the time that I could not seem to write! Please comment and vote, feedback really does help! Thanks!)

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