Chapter Six

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The wheels of the black suburban screeched to a halt against the pavement. The white house was heavily guarded by the Marine Corps, and the streets in front of the white house lawn were littered with trash and mild blood spots from possible gunfire. Aside from its appearance, it was eerily quiet since no one in their right mind dared to go outside at a time like this. America was quickly ushered into the white house with two secret service guards assisting him. The inside was full of top officials from his governing cabinet as well as North Korean officials. Much to his displeasure, Im Hyung Soo (North Korea) stood in the foyer waiting to greet America with an amused expression.

He eyed America from head to toe, scoffing with amusement at the man who was roughed up from the earlier scuffle. "Alfred-ssi, I love this new look you're wearing."

America rolled his eyes in annoyance at his comment. To be honest he hated the idea of having to work and live together with this guy from now on. Due to past history America was sure of one thing if this bastard tried anything, he would kill him without hesitation. Or at least that's what he can feel from Allen's pure hatred. Shaking the thought out of his head he continued to walk down the hall with Hyung Soo following right behind. He had no trouble keeping pace as they went upstairs and down long hallway corridors. His questions seemed to multiply as if he were trying to gauge something with America.

 "I heard that Russia-Hyung made his first attack at you today," he went silent as America came to a halt by a doorway, looking over his shoulder his blue eyes narrowed.

 Hyung Soo smirked, "I was correct."

America let out an exasperated sigh as he stepped into his office, stripped off his suit jacket, and tossed it on a sofa chair before turning to Hyung Soo. "Really? I thought it was, rather obvious." 

He tilted his head and nodded, "So what can you do for me?"

Hyung Soo gave America a closed-eyed smile to hide his pure annoyance. In no way was he pleased by how that reply sounded condescending in away. He stepped in further while waving his hand for the door to be closed and guarded.

 He pulled off his cap and relaxed in a sofa chair adjacent to America before replying, "You want to strike back but I feel as if we need to try something, different, to approach the matter."

America's calm demeanor slowly turned sinister as he leaned forward, a sly grin spread across his lips as he uttered out, "I'm listening."

In the late afternoon of Windoser, Ontario, England paced back and forth after receiving news on his cellphone alerting that there was a Russian air-raid on American soil. His heart raced in panic and tension, his hand still clutched tightly to the cellular device. Abruptly, the door to their small meeting space in the hotel was pushed open by a large group of countries pulling out their phones and laptops, Canada quickly fumbled with the projector remote and quickly got the news site up and running as they were running a live broadcast from America. The screen continued to go in and out before it settled down, showing America and Hyung Soo in the oval office.

For some including Germany, there was something about the sight that just felt very, unnatural and off-putting about it. The entire meeting room remained silent enough to hear a pin drop to the floor, waiting for the two on the screen to speak. America started at the camera as if he were staring deep into the eyes of the viewer which made Italy uncomfortably look away from the image while Hyung Soo spoke up in a proud tone. One that had no shame in it. Although much to England's surprise, he strictly spoke in Korean. He was a bit taken back but didn't shock him any less. Hence this was North Korea he was listening to. After Hyung Soo's little speech, America was up next. Though his words were straight to the point as he started to walk away from Hyung Soo, the camera followed his movements.

"As many of you are aware, the Midwest was single-handedly attacked by a Russian air-raid. Due to this attack, there were some minor casualties. But not to worry," he stops and strapped to chairs while being gagged and blindfolded were Russia's sister nations, Belarus and Ukraine.

 There were abrupt gasps and shocked reactions to the sight before America began speaking once more, "As you can see, my troops are plenty capable of capturing anyone I want." He finished in a childlike taunting voice.

"Gentleman, you may start." He announced before slowly walking away, the camera panning with him back to the spot where Hyung Soo was.

 You could hear the shrieks and screams of the two women in the background that quickly went silent. America stared at the camera once more, China mumbled out a shocked, "W-What the hell?"

It was visible that America's demeanor changed into one that most nations who dealt with him on the wrong end had seen. Japan trembled and felt sick to his stomach from the sight of America. It was one that gave him absolute fear.

 As his words echoed out, "Attack me again, and you will see them in body bags."

Canada gaped at the screen in disbelief while dropping the clicker. The situation was far worse than he had realized. What was supposed to be done to fix this when America was going against World law. He shook his head, his legs feeling weak as he slowly lowered himself into a seat. The broadcast ended with a polite goodbye from both before losing connection.

France looked around the room, trying to figure out a way to calm everyone a little bit, even though he knew that most of the countries feared this side of America. The one who is a practical psychopath on the battlefield. It was the unsettling feeling of, I'll be your ally, but watch your back if you cross me. Italy swallowed hard and slammed his hands loud and hard on the conference table to get everyone's attention, which he succeeded with a couple of yelps of surprise.

"We need to-a to do something. Now." He added firmly. 

His eyes were full and intense. If Romano had made a mistake, he would've thought their late Grandpa Rome was standing before him. Germany did his best to regain some composure and to stop trembling with anxiety. He inhaled sharply and took a seat at the table.

"Italy is vight. Ve need to think of a plan and fast."

China pulled his phone out and quickly dialed a number that he never thought he would've had to use. The other line was connected to a fake greeting.

 China sighed and spoke firmly, "Look, we have something to discuss with come to XXXX in Ontario. Understand?"

There was a long pause before the reply answered, "Da, I'll be there in two hours."

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